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Supporting the world’s #1 fraud detection platform

Powered by Couchbase, FICO’s fraud detection platform is #1 in the world and scores 65% of the world’s credit/debit cards. Downtime means fraud and lost revenue for the company, so when FICO was chosen to provide credit checks, fraud screening, and targeted offers for new telecommunications customers both in-store and online, it needed a multipurpose, NoSQL database that could deliver high availability alongside high transactional volume. Couchbase was chosen over Cassandra and MongoDB™ for speed, scalability, availability, and persistence to support large XML objects.

About Fico

<1 ms

response times with Couchbase's memory-first architecture


application uptime delivered by a complete HA/DR solution


    • Growing number of accounts, cards, and customers means more data needs to be tracked with
    • Relational systems unable to scale to the required throughput
    • HA/DR solutions not streamlined – needed custom development


    • Memory-first architecture allows <1 ms response times
    • Complete HA/DR solution delivers 24×365 application uptime
    • Neural networking algorithms run on Couchbase and access data as key-value pairs
We looked at Couchbase, we looked at Cassandra, we looked at Mongo. We found that the replication technology across data centers for Couchbase was superior, especially for the large workloads.

Claus Moldt CIO, FICO, Couchbase

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