Got integration overload?
Integrating JSON, text search, caching, and data sources can lead to overload, especially when you’re juggling multiple integrations at once.
Couchbase streamlines backend integration by consolidating data management with a NoSQL database that includes JSON, text search, caching, and analytics in a unified data pool. Couchbase’s flexible data model and scalable architecture enable seamless integration and deliver high performance and availability.

Legacy database challenges
Legacy databases hinder high performance due to limited scalability, inefficient data models, and lack of optimization for modern applications.
Couchbase's memory-first architecture stores frequently accessed data in memory for faster data retrieval while NoSQL technology enables flexible data modeling and scalable performance. Responsiveness is improved, latency is reduced, and integrated caching and indexing further optimize query performance.

SQL++ simplifies querying data
Querying NoSQL data with a proprietary language requires developers to learn new syntax and querying patterns, which can slow development.
Couchbase's SQL++ language provides developers with a familiar querying syntax, increasing productivity and easing data management. By supporting SQL, Couchbase makes development easier and migrations from legacy systems smoother.

Rigid data models
Relational databases have inflexible data models that impede scalability and limit your ability to store complex or variable data.
Couchbase's JSON data model has a flexible structure built to handle complex and changing data. Developers can add or modify data fields and structures without modifying the schema. And because the JSON data model is highly compatible with modern web and mobile applications, it streamlines development processes.