Combining FTS Search with Parent-Child Document Retrieval in N1QL

Could you not join them like this:

SELECT SEARCH_META(item).id as id
 ,SEARCH_META(item).score as score
 ,item.`type` as `type`
 ,item.child_type as child_type
 ,META(parent).id as parent_id
  FROM main._default.content AS item USE INDEX(USING FTS)
       ,main._default.content AS parent 
  WHERE item.module_identifier="eveolution.giltazell.philadelphia.robbanks" 
  AND SEARCH(item,{"fields":["*"],"query":{"match_phrase":"section 1"}})
  AND ANY v IN `parent`.`children` SATISFIES v.`id` = SEARCH_META(item).id END


(You have “*” in your second query but note “parent_id” as the data you’re interested in. I’ve assumed the parent document ID (meta().id) is what you’re after, if it is in fact a field called “id” in the parent document, you could replace META(parent).id with as parent_id, etc.)


[Edit: I’ve assumed you’re using version 7.1 or later.]