Couchbase-cli metadata-purge-interval is not setting for ephemeral bucket


I am using Couchbase Server 5.1.1 Community Edition. I have configured ephemeral buckets with 200mb bucket size. I am trying to set metadata-purge-interval through couchbase-cli and is not reflecting on the buckets created.

couchbase-cli setting-compaction -c -u Administrator -p password --metadata-purge-interval 0.0625

However, UI on buckets is still showing metadata-purge-interval as 3.
I do not want to use UI to change this value, as I have a script which will setup the cluster with all the desired configuration.

I guess, the compaction settings are being overridden at bucket level and there is no option to disable it. Is this a bug on couchbase-cli for ephemeral buckets ? Is there way to not to override at bucket level??

Can someone please help?
Thanks in advance !!

Can some please respond …

Hi @ravikrn.13,

I don’t see a way to set the interval anywhere except at the cluster level: Memory and Storage | Couchbase Docs

Where do you see in the UI a bucket-level purge interval?

At the bucket level.

Click Bucket -> Edit -> Advanced bucket settings
Here, there is field “Metadata Purge Interval” with a text-box with value as 3.

Okay @ravikrn.13,

I think I see what is happening here. couchbase-cli doesn’t have a way to specify a bucket when setting-compaction. It may affect a global default, but it doesn’t change any existing buckets.

I’m not sure if this is a bug or a missing feature (or both), but I have created a ticket that you can watch here: Loading...


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Thank you @matthew.groves.


As a potential workaround, have your tried using the REST API? It’s a little more work, but you can setup an HTTP request (with curl, for instance) to automate it (assuming the REST API works).

I see only GET api to see the compaction settings of cluster and buckets. Could you please point me to the REST APIs. Will be glad to try it out.

My mistake on the ticket, there’s already been one created:

As for the REST API, here’s the docs:

I believe this API is about metadata ejection and not for the metadata purge interval.

My mistake. It looks like it might be missing from the REST API too: :frowning:

no worries. Thanks for the help @matthew.groves