How do I store a complete object in Couchbase (beginner) C#

Im’ not sure if this solution is the correct one, but it seems to work and is pretty easy:

I have this class

public class TestClass
    public string TestString;
    public string TestStringProperty { get; set; }
    public DateTime TestDate;
    public List<string> TestStringList;

That I want so store and retrieve I tried this here and it seems to work fine. I just put the Object I want to store inbto the Property dictionary:

        var c = new TestClass() {TestString = "SimpleStringfield", TestDate = DateTime.Today,TestStringProperty = "TestStringPropertyContent",
                                  TestStringList = new List<string>(new string[] { "item1","item2","item3"})};

	    var manager = Manager.SharedInstance;
	    var db = manager.GetDatabase("test_database");
	    if (db == null)
	        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("--------------------------Could not open Database");
      var doc = db.CreateDocument();
        var properties = new Dictionary<string,Object>() { {"type","day"}, {"day",c} };
      var rev = doc.PutProperties(properties);
      var docread = db.GetDocument(doc.Id);
      JObject testobject = (JObject)docread.GetProperty("day");
      var o = testobject.ToObject<TestClass>();

Is this the right way?