Thank you for your link, I got this working.
For others who are searching to fix this error, run the following in your docker container running Amazon AMI (I used docker image dacut/amazon-linux-python-3.6, it should be the same in ec2 or any Amazon Linux)
Only needed during first-time setup:
sudo rpm -iv couchbase-release-1.0-4-x86_64.rpm
Will install or upgrade existing packages
sudo yum install libcouchbase-devel libcouchbase2-bin gcc gcc-c++
Then include the files in
and the .so files in
in your lambda deployment package zip file which you will be uploading to S3.
(if you cannot for some reason find the files in /usr/lib64, use this command to check where the files are located - bash-4.2#rpm -ql libcouchbase-devel libcouchbase2-bin )