How to remove doc for all channels

According to the docs after removing a document from a channel I should see a "\_removed":true property (but it doesn’t say where… on the document perhaps?). It also doesn’t say how you remove a doc from a channel, I assume by just not calling the channel() function in my sync function?

And these docs say that “A document can be removed from a channel without being deleted” - which is exactly what I’m trying to achieve. It goes on to say that _"Sync Gateway’s changes feed includes one more revision of a document after it stops matching a channel. It adds a removed property to the entry where this happens.". From what I can tell this this doesn’t seem to be the case (see below).

Here’s my example.

The document is created, and then modified once. Here’s the sync-gateway log:

CRUD+: Invoking sync on doc "-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn" rev 1-6526909bb79ef534ca5c6a18f24369c1
CRUD: 	Doc "-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn" in channels "{ch_8a73ad6e-73f2-4bdb-a699-dd323ea9fb5e}"
CRUD: Stored doc "-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn" / "1-6526909bb79ef534ca5c6a18f24369c1"
Events+: Event queue worker sending event Document change event for doc id: -amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn to: Webhook handler [http://macbookpro.local:8080/datr/webhook]
HTTP:  #032: GET /sync_gateway/-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn  (as admin)
HTTP:  #033: PUT /sync_gateway/-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn  (as admin)
CRUD+: Invoking sync on doc "-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn" rev 2-9e48e80b8e341cc47af667992a7f8c4c
CRUD+: Saving old revision "-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn" / "1-6526909bb79ef534ca5c6a18f24369c1" (300 bytes)
CRUD+: Backed up obsolete rev "-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn"/"1-6526909bb79ef534ca5c6a18f24369c1"
CRUD: Stored doc "-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn" / "2-9e48e80b8e341cc47af667992a7f8c4c"
Events+: Event queue worker sending event Document change event for doc id: -amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn to: Webhook handler [http://macbookpro.local:8080/datr/webhook]
Cache: Received deduplicated #558237 for ("-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn" / "2-9e48e80b8e341cc47af667992a7f8c4c")
Cache: Received #558240 after 1530ms ("-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn" / "2-9e48e80b8e341cc47af667992a7f8c4c")
Cache: Received #558240 after 1530ms ("-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn" / "2-9e48e80b8e341cc47af667992a7f8c4c")

And at this point the clients _changes feed looks like this:

  seq: 2057,
  id: "-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn",
  changes: [
      rev: "2-9e48e80b8e341cc47af667992a7f8c4c"

A change is then made to the document that results in the sync-function not assigning it to any channel (by not calling the channel function at all). Here’s the sync-gateway log:

CRUD+: Invoking sync on doc "-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn" rev 3-e563f1c7edacef0aa6709861f6222acd
CRUD+: Saving old revision "-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn" / "2-9e48e80b8e341cc47af667992a7f8c4c" (314 bytes)
CRUD+: Backed up obsolete rev "-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn"/"2-9e48e80b8e341cc47af667992a7f8c4c"
CRUD: 	Doc "-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn" in channels "{}"
CRUD: Stored doc "-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn" / "3-e563f1c7edacef0aa6709861f6222acd"
Events+: Event queue worker sending event Document change event for doc id: -amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn to: Webhook handler [http://macbookpro.local:8080/datr/webhook]
Cache: Received #558246 after 668ms ("-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn" / "3-e563f1c7edacef0aa6709861f6222acd")

This line make me think it has been removed from the channel:

CRUD: Doc "-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn" in channels "{}"

And at this point the clients _changes feed looks like this:

  seq: 2062,
  id: "-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn",
  changes: [
      rev: "3-e563f1c7edacef0aa6709861f6222acd"

…no removed property. And the document (on the device) looks like this:

http://localhost:5984/dbname/-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn =>

  some_content: "blah",
  _id: "-amxUwtw61wfrH8BT4YGdkn",
  _rev: "3-e563f1c7edacef0aa6709861f6222acd"