Thanks for getting back to me. I have since downgraded my library to 2.7.1 from 2.8.4 to get it to work.
To answer your questions, I read through this forum post “Unable to connect to server since client 2.7.3” and I also consulted the documentation on the libcouchbase (http://docs.couchbase.com/sdk-api/couchbase-c-client-2.8.4/group__lcb-cntl-settings.html#gacfc8f5ad1e4d1f07eb6975cbb7b9989b) and I used google to try and figure out how to get the most debug output in order to pinpoint where the connection was failing.
It wasn’t very clear, at least to me, how I could stop the library from sending the hello. I use the library with freeradius so that I can send accounting to my couchbase server. I am not to sure yet how to implement what you suggested into freeradius configuration files.