Thank you for your reply jens.
The changes were made to the doc ID, “org1035::conv::1”, at around 18:07:22 UTC from the Couchbase UI console. Also the channel name is identical (“org1035::conv::1”). In the same server error log file from my previous post (, you will see that a new revision 20 is created but the client does not receive anything around the same time. I have also included the channel assignment output by calling “_user/org1035-user-1” API. The channel “org1035::conv::1” is indeed assigned to this user.
From Sync-Gateway:
2018-10-10T18:05:35.423Z [INF] Sync: [622158d2] Sent all changes to client. User:org1035-user-100
2018-10-10T18:05:35.423Z [DBG] Sync+: [622158d2] Sent all changes to client. User:org1035-user-100
2018-10-10T18:05:35.423Z [DBG] WS+: [622158d2] Sending frame: MSG#1~ (flags= 101000, size= 51)
2018-10-10T18:07:22.663Z [DBG] Import+: Attempting to import doc “org1035::conv::1”…
2018-10-10T18:07:22.665Z [DBG] CRUD+: Doc org1035::conv::1 is not an SG write, based on cas and body hash. cas:155c518decf50000 syncCas:“0x000023b7eb235c15”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.666Z [INF] Import: Created new rev ID 20-13b872567618595326a3ad99aba02da6
2018-10-10T18:07:22.666Z [DBG] CRUD+: Invoking sync on doc “org1035::conv::1” rev 20-13b872567618595326a3ad99aba02da6
2018-10-10T18:07:22.666Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “19-0eadd24c115774d96011d776f2936d5f”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.667Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “18-8914f63d02f7b58c1601cd101344677a”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.667Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “17-51be28367c45170b88c57329c323ed7b”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.667Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “16-1a6ee904e190c5faa714a7450c20e800”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.668Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “15-dcff1e9b8bdf42a6ca369f3619c867ff”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.668Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “14-c348591d862b65f0c360b0e7e7edc5d8”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.668Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “13-ae452a0a2c2d2f447cba183dbbfb877c”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.668Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “12-96a70c8c8ebc7bbf8bf14c80deb87c4b”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.669Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “11-71bfdf4de765410a0bd0e477d1cfe4af”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.669Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “10-975608d1d33ea0a3a17c19af30bb2f91”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.669Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “9-7a066d338ffc2e6d42681be9c7036958”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.669Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “8-6ca6e826dbf40242fdf941688a723562”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.669Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “7-47a22e3834c4d470c5eea119b5db5844”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.670Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “6-c7ac58b394aad5707e973f44bae22005”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.670Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “5-d52adc3405018645ca6187a4e68056f2”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.670Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “4-87acdebc302d6e2bb4cafc5b3bea26d8”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.670Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “3-d51d4ed8ec8bb272837eb4c8b7b576f9”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.670Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “2-3baab0172b1da2534e7e87eb7dca13e1”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.671Z [DBG] CRUD+: No old revision “org1035::conv::1” / “1-2136a63ef1a23cbf025cd5d39ba8f396”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.672Z [DBG] CRUD+: Saving doc (seq: #468, id: org1035::conv::1 rev: 20-13b872567618595326a3ad99aba02da6)
2018-10-10T18:07:22.673Z [INF] CRUD: Stored doc “org1035::conv::1” / “20-13b872567618595326a3ad99aba02da6”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.673Z [DBG] Import+: Imported org1035::conv::1 (delete=false) as rev 20-13b872567618595326a3ad99aba02da6
2018-10-10T18:07:22.678Z [INF] Cache: Received #468 after 6ms (“org1035::conv::1” / “20-13b872567618595326a3ad99aba02da6”)
2018-10-10T18:07:22.678Z [INF] Cache: #468 ==> channel “*”
2018-10-10T18:07:22.678Z [DBG] Changes+: Notifying that “messaging” changed (keys=“{*}”) count=530
From Client:
2018-10-10 13:05:35.437525-0500 xxxxxx[6264:158521] CouchbaseLite Sync Verbose: {Pull#3} now idle
2018-10-10 13:05:35.437709-0500 xxxxxx[6264:158561] CouchbaseLite Sync Info: {Repl#1} pushStatus=idle, pullStatus=idle, dbStatus=idle, progress=0/0
2018-10-10 13:05:35.437908-0500 xxxxxx[6264:158561] CouchbaseLite Sync Info: {Repl#1} activityLevel=idle: connectionState=2
2018-10-10 13:05:35.438076-0500 xxxxxx[6264:158561] CouchbaseLite Sync Info: {Repl#1} now idle
2018-10-10 13:05:35.438306-0500 xxxxxx[6264:158521] CouchbaseLite Sync Info: CBLReplicator[<*> URL[ws://]] is idle, progress 0/0, error: (null)
[13:05:35.439][1][CouchbaseManager.swift][startPushAndPullReplicationForCurrentUser()][313] PushPull Replicator: 0/0, error: nil, activity = idle
2018-10-10 13:05:51.540044-0500 xxxxxx[6264:158559] CouchbaseLite WS Verbose: <CBLWebSocket: 0x6000001625d0>: Checking for timeout in 304.895 sec
2018-10-10 13:05:51.540372-0500 xxxxxx[6264:158559] CouchbaseLite WS Verbose: <CBLWebSocket: 0x6000001625d0>: Checking for timeout in 304.894 sec!!! NO Data Received here !!!
2018-10-10 13:10:35.368627-0500 xxxxxx[6264:158564] CouchbaseLite WS Info: {C4SocketImpl#1}==> litecore::repl::C4SocketImpl ws://
2018-10-10 13:10:35.368931-0500 xxxxxx[6264:158564] CouchbaseLite WS Info: {C4SocketImpl#1} Sending PING
2018-10-10 13:10:35.369176-0500 xxxxxx[6264:158564] CouchbaseLite WS Verbose: >>> sending 6 bytes…
2018-10-10 13:10:35.369541-0500 xxxxxx[6264:161559] CouchbaseLite WS Verbose: (…sent 6 bytes)
2018-10-10 13:10:35.369771-0500 xxxxxx[6264:161559] CouchbaseLite WS Verbose: <CBLWebSocket: 0x6000001625d0>: HasSpaceAvailable
2018-10-10 13:10:35.395068-0500 xxxxxx[6264:161559] CouchbaseLite WS Verbose: <CBLWebSocket: 0x6000001625d0>: HasBytesAvailable
User Channel Assignment:
ubuntu@ip-xxx-xx-xx-xxx:~$ curl -X GET “http://localhost:4985/messaging/_user/org1035-user-100” -H “accept: application/json”