After the second rotation sync gateway stopped logging to the newly named sync_gateway_error.log and now it is not logging anything as far as I can tell. Is this a known error with sync gateway 1.3? Is there a workaround?
We upgraded from Sync Gateway 1.1.1 to 1.3. I didn’t realize that sync gateway 1.3 now comes with its own upstart script so after upgrading we temporarily had two upstart scripts, and when I ran sudo start sync_gateway it tried to start sync gateway twice. After I removed our old upstart script everything was running fine and the first log rotation in the new log location (/home/sync_gateway/logs) went fine, then when logrotate ran again a couple days later it stopped logging.
I was missing the copytruncate option in my logrotate file. In the previous version we had (1.1.1) I think this caused an issue so we removed it, but in Sync Gateway 1.3.1 it is required to make the logrotation work properly.