The proguard-android.txt and proguard-android-optimize.txt are available by default and are not edited in the application layer. I think proguard merges the rules in the list of files we provide.
So, I figured out the difference in the OP and the recent error. In the OP I had included -dontobfuscate rule. If I remove the proguard configuration you provided and include -dontobfuscate again, I get that same error… And… if I include -dontobfuscate with your proguard configuration, the couchbase libraries are loading fine.
It does work without obfuscation. Here is the next warning I am getting. Not sure if this warning can cause any problems or not. I’m yet to dissect the logs.
CouchbaseLite/DATABASE <app-id> W "<database-id>" is not a valid database name. A valid database name has a limit of 100 characters and starts with a letter or digit, followed by letters, digits, dashes, or underscores.
CouchbaseLite/DATABASE <app-id> W [JAVA] Database.log.getFile().getConfig() is now null: logging is disabled. Log files required for product support are not being generated.