When it comes to online tech conferences, you’ve got options. Lots of options.
If you’re a NoSQL developer, then Couchbase ConnectONLINE 2021 should be at the top of your list. This free two-day conference on 20-21 October 2021 has a lot to offer backend developers and DevOps engineers.
Some of the brightest minds in database technology will share real-world stories of designing, building and deploying with Couchbase. They’ll share live demos, pro tips and best practices for other backend developers. If you want to learn what’s next for NoSQL, this is the one to attend
Developer to developer, here are five reasons why I think you should attend Couchbase Connect:
Reason #1: Demos
Live demos with follow-up Q&A are one of the best ways to learn about any new technology, including Couchbase 7. There will be lots of hands-on demonstrations at Couchbase Connect that take a deep dive into what – and how – you can build your next app or project using Couchbase.
Reason #2: Training & Certification
If you’re aiming for Couchbase Associate Developer Certification, attend one of the single-day, fast-track training sessions.
We’re currently offering one track for Java developers and one for Architects. These training and certification sessions give you a fundamental understanding of the Couchbase data platform so you can build world-changing applications.
Reason #3: The Dev Track
Couchbase Connect includes two tracks just for developers. The main dev track teaches you how to integrate Couchbase into your Java, Scala, .NET, or other stack and shows you how to use frameworks like GraphQL, Node.js, IntelliJ, and more.
Some of noteworthy sessions include:
- A Modern ODM with Ottoman: This session will include a basic walk-through of the OttomanJS project and why using an object data mapper (ODM) to build Node.js applications for a document database like Couchbase is ideal.
- Legacy to Modern in Three Steps with Couchbase: This session will show the three basic steps to getting started with an offload or database migration effort using automation and semi-automation.
Reason #4: Best Practices Track
The second technical track at Couchbase Connect is all about database best practices. This track helps you master the nitty-gritty of deploying complex distributed database applications, designing for scalability and high availability, optimizing indexes, using the SQL++ query language, and migration from a relational database to Couchbase.
My recommendations for this track include:
- Application Modeling and Deployment Patterns with Scopes and Collections: This talk will cover common patterns and best practices for application development and deployment using Scopes and Collections, a new feature in Couchbase 7.
- How to Create Your Offline-First Application in Less Than 15 MinutesIn this session, we’ll walk through the core edge computing concepts and see how to create and deploy a mobile application quickly by applying the best practices for production readiness.
Reason #5: Networking
The best part about attending an event like Couchbase Connect is meeting and interacting with other developers, architects and ops engineers who all use the same technology.
This is your chance to meet other Couchbase users, get your questions answered, and network with like-minded NoSQL professionals. Don’t be afraid to jump into a conversation or ask a pressing question you might have.
You can even reach out to me directly through my Twitter DMs @httpJunkie if you have any questions before or after the event.
I hope to see you at Couchbase Connect.
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