I am pleased to announce the beta release of the new PHP SDK. This release includes a few minor interface changes from the previous release (developer preview 2), as well as the addition of a more comprehensive management interface.
The documentation describing the full API is available to peruse here:
Get It
If you are on a linux system, to install the developer preview version of the library, simply grab the source code linked below, then build and install it:
./configure –enable-couchbase
make && make install
If you are on a Windows system, you can opt to download the tarball and build the source yourself. Or alternatively there are links to the popular build types below as well.
Build | Download |
Source Code | php_couchbase-2.0.0beta.zip |
Windows PHP 5.3 NTS vc9 x86 | php_couchbase-2.0.0beta-5.3-nts-vc9-x86.zip |
Windows PHP 5.3 ZTS vc9 x86 | php_couchbase-2.0.0beta-5.3-zts-vc9-x86.zip |
Windows PHP 5.4 NTS vc9 x86 | php_couchbase-2.0.0beta-5.4-nts-vc9-x86.zip |
Windows PHP 5.4 ZTS vc9 x86 | php_couchbase-2.0.0beta-5.4-zts-vc9-x86.zip |
Windows PHP 5.5 NTS vc11 x64 | php_couchbase-2.0.0beta-5.5-nts-vc11-x64.zip |
Windows PHP 5.5 ZTS vc11 x64 | php_couchbase-2.0.0beta-5.5-zts-vc11-x64.zip |
Windows PHP 5.5 NTS vc11 x86 | php_couchbase-2.0.0beta-5.5-nts-vc11-x86.zip |
Windows PHP 5.5 ZTS vc11 x86 | php_couchbase-2.0.0beta-5.5-zts-vc11-x86.zip |
NOTE: You MUST have libcouchbase 2.4.0 installed (http://packages.couchbase.com/clients/c/index.html) prior to the installation of the php extension.
If you encounter any issues, please post directly to the Couchbase Communities site at http://www.couchbase.com/communities/php. Additionally, bugs can be reported directly through our issues tracker available here: https://www.couchbase.com/issues/browse/PCBC
I hope you enjoy!
Cheers! Brett