I am pleased to announce the beta release of the new PHP SDK.  This release includes a few minor interface changes from the previous release (developer preview 2), as well as the addition of a more comprehensive management interface.


The documentation describing the full API is available to peruse here:


Get It

If you are on a linux system, to install the developer preview version of the library, simply grab the source code linked below, then build and install it:

./configure –enable-couchbase
make && make install

If you are on a Windows system, you can opt to download the tarball and build the source yourself. Or alternatively there are links to the popular build types below as well.

Build Download
Source Code php_couchbase-2.0.0beta.zip
Windows PHP 5.3 NTS vc9 x86 php_couchbase-2.0.0beta-5.3-nts-vc9-x86.zip
Windows PHP 5.3 ZTS vc9 x86 php_couchbase-2.0.0beta-5.3-zts-vc9-x86.zip
Windows PHP 5.4 NTS vc9 x86 php_couchbase-2.0.0beta-5.4-nts-vc9-x86.zip
Windows PHP 5.4 ZTS vc9 x86 php_couchbase-2.0.0beta-5.4-zts-vc9-x86.zip
Windows PHP 5.5 NTS vc11 x64 php_couchbase-2.0.0beta-5.5-nts-vc11-x64.zip
Windows PHP 5.5 ZTS vc11 x64 php_couchbase-2.0.0beta-5.5-zts-vc11-x64.zip
Windows PHP 5.5 NTS vc11 x86 php_couchbase-2.0.0beta-5.5-nts-vc11-x86.zip
Windows PHP 5.5 ZTS vc11 x86 php_couchbase-2.0.0beta-5.5-zts-vc11-x86.zip

NOTE: You MUST have libcouchbase 2.4.0 installed (http://packages.couchbase.com/clients/c/index.html) prior to the installation of the php extension.

If you encounter any issues, please post directly to the Couchbase Communities site at http://www.couchbase.com/communities/php. Additionally, bugs can be reported directly through our issues tracker available here: https://www.couchbase.com/issues/browse/PCBC

I hope you enjoy!

Cheers! Brett


Posted by Brett Lawson, Principal Software Engineer, Couchbase

Brett Lawson is a Principal Software Engineer at Couchbase. Brett is responsible for the design and development of the Couchbase Node.js and PHP clients as well as playing a role in the design and development of the C library, libcouchbase.

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