Today I’d like to announce the PHP SDK 2.0.0 GA, which brings a couple of new fetures along with more fixes and improvements. In this blog post I will demonstrate one of them (for a full list of changes refer to the Release Notes).

Full Text Search API

You may have heard about this API previously, but this time lets show it from PHP. We assume you have installed Couchbase 4.5 as a minimum and have setup the enhanced sample bucket beer-sample with defined Full Text index. More information about configuring index find in Full Text search section of SDK guide.

Find more examples in Searching from the SDK.

Getting the release

To install this release, use the following command and make sure you have libcouchbase 2.6.1+ installed (more details at Start Using the SDK page):

If you encounter any issues, please post directly to the Couchbase forums at Additionally, bugs can be reported directly through our issue tracker.


Posted by Sergey Avseyev, SDK Engineer, Couchbase

Sergey Avseyev is a SDK Engineer at Couchbase. Sergey Avseyev is responsible for development of Kafka connector, and underlying library, which implements DCP, Couchbase replication protocol. Also maintaining PHP SDK for Couchbase.

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