Using NoSQL for Geospatial Search Without a Spatial Database
Introduction Couchbase Full Text Search (FTS) is a great tool for indexing and querying geospatial data. In this article, I’ll present a geospatial search use case and demonstrate the various ways that we can perform a search of location data...
FTS and N1QL: Better MongoDB in Operator Performance Querying Multiple Arrays
Introduction Couchbase Full Text Search (FTS) is a great fit for indexing multiple arrays and executing queries with multiple filter predicates in arrays. In this article, I’ll demonstrate the advantages of using FTS over GSI (Global Secondary Index) for array...
Full Text Search Indexing Best Practices by Use Case
Introduction Full text search (FTS) indexing can be challenging for those who are not familiar with search in general. In this post, we’ll take some common search use cases and work through the creation of appropriate indexes following best practices...