
Introducing Couchbase Go SDK 2.0 Alpha
I’m pleased to announce the Couchbase Go SDK 2.0 Alpha. This new SDK brings in a series of changes across all of the Couchbase SDKs that the team has been putting together. The new SDKs bring a completely new API...

A Couchbase Analytics Example using the Go SDK
This post illustrates the use of Couchbase Analytics with the Couchbase Go SDK. Couchbase Analytics is a new service available in Couchbase Server 6.0, you can read more at In this post we’re going to use a real world...

Couchbase Go SDK 1.4.0 Released!
We’ve recently pushed out another minor release of the Couchbase Go SDK: 1.4.0. This is a new minor version and most notably includes support for Response Time Observability and Transparent Compression. What’s in this release? We’ve added support for Transparent...