Couchbase Product Marketing | Couchbase Blog


All posts by Couchbase Product Marketing

Data Replication and Synchronization in Couchbase

Data Replication and Synchronization in Couchbase

Data replication and synchronization may seem redundant at first glance. They both refer to copying data from one persistent repository to another for consistency in a distributed architecture. But for Couchbase, each term has a different meaning and each is...

App Development Costs (A Breakdown)

App Development Costs (A Breakdown)

Developing an app can be very lucrative, but it requires some upfront costs. So, how much does it cost to develop an app? App creation costs can vary dramatically depending on the size and complexity of the app being developed....

How to Plan a Cloud Migration (Strategy, Tips, Challenges)

How to Plan a Cloud Migration (Strategy, Tips, Challenges)

Due to rapid advancements in cloud technology, enterprises can now innovate and modernize dramatically faster in the cloud than they can on premises. The big question is no longer if an organization should move to the cloud, but how they...

Couchbase Product Marketing February 23, 2023
Magma: The Next-Generation Document Storage Engine

Magma: The Next-Generation Document Storage Engine

The Couchbase database platform supports two storage mechanisms: Couchstore, the default, and Magma, the recently released engine. Both offer benefits under various scenarios. This blog post gives a brief overview of the new Magma storage engine, provides a comparison of...

Couchbase Product Marketing October 17, 2022
Oracle Date Format: N1QL and Support for Date-Time Functions

Oracle Date Format: N1QL and Support for Date-Time Functions

Date and Time functions and formats can vary for different databases. In this article, we shall compare Couchbase ISO-based Date-Time functions with Oracle Date format. Date formats vary between relational and NoSQL database due to the nature of NoSQL JSON...

Couchbase Product Marketing September 22, 2017