
Onboarding Enterprises to Couchbase Support
We are delighted to announce the introduction of a brand new training course to assist your Enterprise with Onboarding to Couchbase Support. This free, online offering is designed and delivered by our most experienced Technical Support engineers. Its goal is to...
David Haikney, VP of Technical Support, Couchbase
June 25, 2020

Extending Maintenance for Couchbase Server 5.x
Announcing an extension to Couchbase Server version 5.x’s maintenance period to provide our customers more time for upgrade planning. At Couchbase we are constantly reviewing what we can do to help our customers navigate through these challenging times. This is...
David Haikney, VP of Technical Support, Couchbase
April 30, 2020

Our Commitment to Performance
A few months ago I went to see The Human League when they came to Manchester. They were Britain’s Best Breakthrough Act in 1982, don’t tell me my finger isn’t on the pulse. I’m not a superfan, I just like...
David Haikney, VP of Technical Support, Couchbase
April 7, 2017