Shyam Rajamannar, Senior Software Engineer | Couchbase Blog


All posts by Shyam Rajamannar, Senior Software Engineer

Migrate From MongoDB to Couchbase in Minutes With the CLI and IDE Plugins

Migrate From MongoDB to Couchbase in Minutes With the CLI and IDE Plugins

Trying Couchbase just got even easier, you can now import your MongoDB data and indexes into Couchbase seamlessly. Whether you prefer working directly from the command line, or within your favorite IDE, our various new offerings—cbmigrate CLI, Couchbase VSCode Extension,...

Couchbase’s Jetbrains Plugin: Leveling up the developer experience

Couchbase’s Jetbrains Plugin: Leveling up the developer experience

We are excited to announce that we now have a JetBrains plugin available for developing with Couchbase! Download and install it from the JetBrains Marketplace.  Unless you are an old-school developer, chances are that you have your IDE open right...

How we implemented Distributed Multi-document ACID Transactions in Couchbase

How we implemented Distributed Multi-document ACID Transactions in Couchbase

ACID Transactions are a must when you have strict data consistency requirements in your application. The costs of running transactions on distributed systems can rapidly create bottlenecks at scale. In this article, we will give you an overview of some...

How to Make Geospatial Polygon-Based Search on Couchbase

How to Make Geospatial Polygon-Based Search on Couchbase

Geospatial features have proven over the years to significantly increase user engagement. In fact, we got so used to it that now we even expect that any kind of recommendation (news, restaurants, products) should also be location-based. The majority of...

How to Backup Couchbase: A Quick Start Guide

How to Backup Couchbase: A Quick Start Guide

In this article, you will get an overview of how to backup both Couchbase Community and Enterprise editions on Ubuntu and how to set up a basic Couchbase backup strategy.  The scripts and techniques described here are not production-ready, you...

Running FTS Queries in N1QL

Running FTS Queries in N1QL

We already discussed how the Like % clause is potentially harmful for your application at scale, and why you should consider using Couchbase Full-Text Search instead. One thing we haven’t mentioned yet is why you might prefer Couchbase FTS over any...

Comparing Postgres JSONB With NoSQL

Comparing Postgres JSONB With NoSQL

The reality is that databases are converging, and in the last few years, it is becoming even more difficult to point what are the best scenarios for each datastore without a deep understanding of how things work under the hood. ...

Getting Rid of Sticky Sessions in Java | Couchbase Spring Session

Getting Rid of Sticky Sessions in Java | Couchbase Spring Session

Sticky Sessions refers to the need to redirect the requests of a given user to the same server where his session lives in. It is considered an anti-pattern as in case of a server failure, all users connected to it...

How to Boost Spring Data Performance

How to Boost Spring Data Performance

Spring Data provides an easy programming model for data access in both relational and non-relational databases. It became very popular among Java/JVM developers because of the small learning curve and low codebase. However, developers frequently run into performance issues while using...

How to log queries generated by Spring Data

How to log queries generated by Spring Data

One of the ways to improve your application performance in Couchbase is to create indexes for common queries. However, when you are working with Spring Data using its standard DSL, the generated query is not very clear, which makes a...

What Is Fuzzy Matching and How to Use It Correctly

What Is Fuzzy Matching and How to Use It Correctly

Have you sound yourself asking the question, “What is fuzzy matching?” Fuzzy matching allows you to identify non-exact matches of your target item. It is the foundation stone of many search engine frameworks and one of the main reasons why...

Spring Security & Dynamic Client Registration | OAuth Part 3

Spring Security & Dynamic Client Registration | OAuth Part 3

We already discussed how to configure an OAuth 2.0 authentication and how to build a custom token store. In the last article of this series, you will learn how to implement a custom dynamic client registration using spring-security-oauth2. I recommend you...