Dhanya Gowrish, Software Engineer | Couchbase Blog


All posts by Dhanya Gowrish, Software Engineer

Query Service Memory Management in Couchbase

Query Service Memory Management in Couchbase

In Couchbase, memory management in the Query service is key to keeping the service efficient and responsive, especially as the service handles an increasing number of queries simultaneously. Without proper memory management, things can go awry – greedy queries can...

Improved Debuggability for SQL++ User-Defined Functions

Improved Debuggability for SQL++ User-Defined Functions

User-defined functions (UDFs) are a very useful feature supported in SQL++. Couchbase 7.6 introduces improvements that allow for more debuggability and visibility into UDF execution. This blog will explore two new features in Couchbase 7.6 in the world of UDFs. Profiling...