Jim Borden, Senior Software Engineer, Couchbase | Couchbase Blog


All posts by Jim Borden, Principal Software Engineer, Couchbase

Principal Software Engineer @ Couchbase working on Couchbase Lite.

Introducing Visual Studio Code Plugin for Couchbase Mobile

Introducing Visual Studio Code Plugin for Couchbase Mobile

Couchbase Lite now has an exciting new developer tool to announce. Developers need good tools, just like any other profession. The quality of the tools directly impacts the efficiency and quality of development work. Many have come and gone over...

Couchbase Lite Sync Protocol Examination via Wireshark

Couchbase Lite Sync Protocol Examination via Wireshark

During the course of development it is often useful to examine what exactly is sent over the network between machines.  This helps to perform tasks like finding the source of an issue or just simply understanding the conversation.  Often times...