Getting Started with NiFi and Couchbase Server
I am just getting started with NiFi, a tool to automate the flow of data. It’s a tool for migration, synchronization, and other types of data processing. It was introduced to me by one of Couchbase’s newest customers: the Cincinnati...
ACID Properties of Couchbase: Part 1
Important note: Multi-Document ACID Transactions are now available in Couchbase. See: ACID Transactions for NoSQL Applications for more information! ACID properties are a topic that I get asked about a lot. Generally, people ask in the context of transactions: “Are...
Michigan User Groups this month
Michigan user groups: watch out! I’ll be spending a solid week at in your state! I’ll be talking about the tech I’m most enthusiastic about, including: Couchbase Server, .NET, C#. If you’re anywhere in Michigan (lower peninsula, sorry Yoopers), you...
AKS with the Couchbase Kubernetes Operator
AKS (Azure Container Service) is the managed Kubernetes service on Microsoft Azure. It is currently in preview, so there are some things that may change down the road. In this post, I’m going to create an AKS cluster and install...
Geospatial Search With ASP.NET Core, Aurelia, Google Maps
Geospatial search is now fully supported in Couchbase Server 5.5. Check out the Couchbase Server 5.5 announcement, and download the developer build for free right now. In this post, I’m going to demonstrate the geospatial capabilities of Couchbase Full Text...
Machine Learning with Couchbase and Nexosis
Machine Learning is a tool that is helping developers and data scientists to accomplish all sorts of tasks: Classification – organize and tag data Regression – find relationships between data points Forecasting – use current data to predict the future...
Meet Couchbase at DevNexus
DevNexus is a huge professional developers conference that takes place February 21-23, 2018 in Atlanta, Georgia at the Georgia World Congress Center. Couchbase is honored to once again be sponsoring this tremendous conference. Have @mgroves rocking #couchbase at #devnexus
Alexa Skills with Azure Functions and Couchbase
Alexa Skills are the “apps” that you can build to run on Amazon devices like the Echo, Echo Dot, etc. In this blog post, you’ll learn how to build an Alexa skill using serverless Azure Functions and a Couchbase backend...
Proof of Concept: Making a case to move from relational
Proof of concept may be just what you need to start when you’re evaluating Couchbase. We’ve been blogging a lot about the technical side of moving from a relational database like Oracle or SQL Server to Couchbase. Here are some...
JSON Modeling for RDBMS Users (video)
JSON modeling was covered in a previous blog post which was, in turn, based on a CSV import blog post that came before that. While writing the post on JSON modeling, it occurred to me that it might be useful...