
Synthetic Data Generation with Capella DataStudio
If you’re a developer working with Couchbase or Capella, you’ll want to know about Capella DataStudio. It’s a free, community-supported tool with a slick, single-pane-of-glass UI for managing Capella Operational, Capella Columnar, and Couchbase Server Clusters. Not only does it...

Capella DataStudio: 10 Cool Features Every Developer Should Know
If you’re a developer working with Couchbase or Capella, you’ll want to know about Capella DataStudio. It’s a free, community-supported tool with a slick, single-pane-of-glass UI for managing Capella Operational, Capella Columnar, and Couchbase Server Clusters. Not only does it...

New and Improved Import in Couchbase Cloud
We’re happy to announce that the release of Couchbase Cloud 1.6 comes with a number of key improvements, particularly in data import. These feature improvements include Import of documents using the Couchbase Cloud Web UI with various key generation and...

New in Couchbase 6.6: Import Docs Using Web Admin Console
Couchbase 6.6 comes with a much needed feature, Import documents using the Couchbase Admin Web Console. This provides an easy way to quickly import small datasets in a variety of formats to compliment cbimport which is a more comprehensive command-line...

Best Practices for Operating Couchbase Server as Non-Root
With Couchbase Server 6.5.1. we now standardize the non-root install and upgrade for rpm packages. This will now allow you to easily install, upgrade and maintain Couchbase Server as non-root. The purpose of this blog is not to replace our...

Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 with Prometheus – Part 2
Prerequisites As mentioned in Part 1 of the blog, we need to run Prometheus and Grafana in the Kubernetes environment on our Amazon EKS. The recommended way is to use Kube-Prometheus, an Open Source project. Not only will this simplify...

Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 with Prometheus – Part 1
We recently announced the latest preview of the Couchbase Autonomous Operator (CAO) 2.0 beta. This release is a significant update to the Couchbase Autonomous Operator. Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 introduces several new enterprise-grade features with fully autonomous capabilities – security,...