Introducing The CAO Utility For Cloud-Native Database Automation
The Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.3.0 release provides some exciting improvements to lifecycle automation with the cao utility. This utility improves previous configuration tools by consolidating provisioning and facilitating supportability with the addition of a self-certification feature. To get started, download...
Helm: Deploy & Monitor with Couchbase Autonomous Operator
One Chart to Rule Them All With the release of Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0, the Couchbase Operator and Cluster charts have been consolidated into a single chart. This streamlined approach means it’s now possible to install Autonomous Operator, Admission Controller,...
Quick Start: Deploy Couchbase Autonomous Operator With Helm
What’s Helm? Helm is a tool that streamlines the installation and management of applications on Kubernetes platforms. The Couchbase Autonomous Operator helm chart allows users to combine Kubernetes definitions for resources like Services, Roles, and Deployments into a single customizable...