Category: Monitoring

Monitor Couchbase Sync Gateway with Prometheus and Grafana

Monitor Couchbase Sync Gateway with Prometheus and Grafana

The Couchbase Mobile 2.5 release introduced extensive stats reporting capabilities on the Sync Gateway.The stats provide key insights into the health of your Couchbase Mobile deployment and constitues an integral part of any deployment. In this post, we discuss how...

Couchbase Autonomous Operator & IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service

Couchbase Autonomous Operator & IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service

What is the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service? IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service provides a native Kubernetes experience that is secure and easy to use. As a certified K8S provider, IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service provides a wide range of powerful features. These...

Couchbase Monitoring Integration with Prometheus and Grafana

Couchbase Monitoring Integration with Prometheus and Grafana

Couchbase is an enterprise data platform that enables performance at scale by combining a unique memory-first architecture with N1QL –which combines the agility of SQL with the power of JSON – amongst other built-in features as as Full-Text Search, Eventing,...