Category: Node.js

How to Create Async Get/Upsert Calls with Node.js and Couchbase

How to Create Async Get/Upsert Calls with Node.js and Couchbase

If you’re a JavaScript dev who’s transitioning to use Node.js, you’ll want to take advantage of async functions. That’s because asynchronous API calls don’t block your code and return promises. In this post, I’ll show you how to create async...

A Better Development Experience with Ottoman JS [Video]

A Better Development Experience with Ottoman JS [Video]

If you’re a JavaScript developer, I hope you know about the JavaScript & Friends conference. The JS & Friends conference is a diverse group of around 200 JavaScript developers and friends who get together to learn new skills and concepts...

Eric Bishard August 27, 2021
How to Get Started with the Node.js SDK for Couchbase

How to Get Started with the Node.js SDK for Couchbase

In just a few lines of code you can start using Couchbase with Node.js to build your next JavaScript application. This hello world tutorial walks you through the basic first steps of using the Node.js SDK with the latest features...

Introduction to Ottoman With Couchbase

Introduction to Ottoman With Couchbase

Ottoman is an Object Data Modeler (ODM) for Couchbase’s Node.js SDK providing JSON schema and validation for NoSQL. Why Use an ODM for Couchbase With Ottoman, you declare schema in your code. Although Couchbase has no schema enforcement for your...

Eric Bishard March 30, 2021
Data Structures & Algorithms For NoSQL Applications

Data Structures & Algorithms For NoSQL Applications

This article introduces Data Structures and how they work with Couchbase Server 7.0 Scopes and Collections features. What are data structures? Couchbase Data Structures is an API feature that aligns the language of the database interface with a programming language....

Using SDKs With Couchbase Cloud Free Trial – Tutorial Posted

Using SDKs With Couchbase Cloud Free Trial – Tutorial Posted

Learn how to use Couchbase SDKs with the Couchbase Cloud Self-Service Free Trial In my last post I talked about the launch of the Couchbase Cloud Self-Service Free Trial Tutorial Series, in this brief post I wanted to highlight the...

Learn NoSQL with Couchbase Playground

Learn NoSQL with Couchbase Playground

We are going to preview Couchbase Playground Beta, an experimental project from Couchbase. With this tool, we can help developers learn NoSQL for free and play with Couchbase and SDKs (the SDK is just one of the features) like Java,...

Eric Bishard December 2, 2020
FTS Flex Index vs GSI Indexes in Couchbase Server 6.6

FTS Flex Index vs GSI Indexes in Couchbase Server 6.6

In this article, we will touch on some practical examples starting with N1QL queries using GSI Indexes and simulate a dataset that over time grows not just with document size, but the actual document structure growing as well. Couchbase Server makes flexible...

Eric Bishard August 12, 2020
Fullstack React and GraphQL : Apollo Client

Fullstack React and GraphQL : Apollo Client

The third of three articles focused on building Fullstack React and GraphQL with the Apollo GraphQL Client. Setting up a NoSQL Couchbase Server (Part 1) Building an Express-GraphQL API (Part 2) Create Apollo GraphQL Client in React (Part 3) Final...

Eric Bishard February 28, 2020
Fullstack React and GraphQL : Express Server

Fullstack React and GraphQL : Express Server

The second of three articles focused on building Fullstack React and GraphQL with Express and Couchbase Server. Setting up a NoSQL Couchbase Server (Part 1) Building an Express-GraphQL API (Part 2) Create Apollo GraphQL Client in React (Part 3) Final...

Eric Bishard February 28, 2020
Fullstack React and GraphQL : Couchbase

Fullstack React and GraphQL : Couchbase

First of three articles focused on building Fullstack with React and GraphQL with Express and Couchbase Server. Setting up a NoSQL Couchbase Server (Part 1) Building an Express-GraphQL API (Part 2) Create Apollo GraphQL Client in React (Part 3) Final...

Eric Bishard February 28, 2020