Category: Performance

Index Service Improvements in Couchbase Server 7.2.2 : Part 2

Index Service Improvements in Couchbase Server 7.2.2 : Part 2

This is Part 2 of a two part blog. Part 1 discusses the Index service scaling improvements implemented in Couchbase Server 7.2.2. This second part focuses on reducing memory and disk I/O overheads. Reducing Memory Overheads for Indexer Process Couchbase...

Amit Kulkarni October 23, 2023
Can Developers Reduce Software TCO with AI? 

Can Developers Reduce Software TCO with AI? 

Long gone are the days when you would buy a Nintendo cartridge and never update the software on it. The world has changed, and so has software. Instead of living in its own tiny (awesome) gray and black box, software...

Quer levar seu banco de dados para o próximo nível? (Portuguese)

Quer levar seu banco de dados para o próximo nível? (Portuguese)

[See English version of this post] Saiba por que dezenas de milhares de organizações adotaram bancos de dados NoSQL como #Couchbase para melhorar a resiliência, o desempenho e a estabilidade, ao mesmo tempo em que reduzem o risco e a...

How Couchbase Helps Customers Dramatically Reduce TCO

How Couchbase Helps Customers Dramatically Reduce TCO

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, organizations are constantly striving to modernize their applications. Their goals often include improving customer satisfaction, staying ahead of the competition, and lowering overall costs. A significant part of this modernization involves the database and...

How Generative AI Works with Couchbase

How Generative AI Works with Couchbase

Welcome to the season of AI. Generative AI. With this blog we will explain how generative AI works with Couchbase. We know generative AI is going to be a huge issue and opportunity for nearly every data-enabled enterprise application. In...

Capella Management: More Flexible and Affordable

Capella Management: More Flexible and Affordable

Our managed Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS), Couchbase Capella™ removes a huge amount of setup and administrative efforts so you can focus on building modern applications for your customers. As Capella evolves, we continue to add new features in order to reduce these...

What is a Distributed Application? Definition and Examples

What is a Distributed Application? Definition and Examples

A distributed application is a program that runs on one or more computers simultaneously and communicates through a network. In this blog post, we’ll dive into how distributed applications work, how they differ from standalone or traditional applications, how you...

Couchbase Capella Expands Security: Broadening SSO and Compliance Capabilities

Couchbase Capella Expands Security: Broadening SSO and Compliance Capabilities

In today’s digital landscape, where data breaches and security threats are a constant concern, the role of databases in safeguarding sensitive information has never been more crucial. Building upon its commitment to robust security measures, Couchbase Capella™ has further enhanced...

Reaching for the Heavens – How Cloud is Helping Balance IT Spending in 2023

Reaching for the Heavens – How Cloud is Helping Balance IT Spending in 2023

Following the incredible insights we received into cloud services from our 2022 CIO survey, in 2023 we wanted to dig deeper into the ways in which enterprises are using the cloud. Why are they switching? How essential is the cloud...

Webcast: How to Optimize Application Performance & Lower TCO With a NoSQL DBaaS

Webcast: How to Optimize Application Performance & Lower TCO With a NoSQL DBaaS

A lot of customers come to Couchbase to replace outdated relational databases that were driving up their costs by dragging down the performance, flexibility, and scalability of their applications. We hear similar complaints about high costs from businesses that moved...

Guide to Cloud Data Replication

Guide to Cloud Data Replication

Traditional data replication required managing a lot of moving parts in your application. Modern data replication takes it to the cloud, where backend systems do most of the heavy lifting. But cloud data replication is more than just synchronizing data...

Why Choose a NoSQL Database? There Are Many Great Reasons

Why Choose a NoSQL Database? There Are Many Great Reasons

NoSQL, short for “Not only SQL,” is a term used for database systems that store information in a variety of formats to support requirements that traditional relational (or SQL) databases have difficulties addressing. Legacy relational systems were designed to minimize...