Category: Performance

External Datasets: Accessing AWS S3 in Couchbase Analytics

External Datasets: Accessing AWS S3 in Couchbase Analytics

Introduction to external datasets Couchbase is very excited to announce its new “External Datasets” Analytics Services feature in the latest Couchbase Server 6.6 release. External datasets empower customers to access externally stored data in real-time from Amazon Web Services (AWS)...

Idris Motiwala August 12, 2020
Eventing Improvements: Timers, Handlers and Statistics

Eventing Improvements: Timers, Handlers and Statistics

With the release of Couchbase 6.6 the Eventing Service has major improvements in functionality. We’ve introduced new Eventing Timers that can be cancelled using the cancelTimer() function, or by creating a new timer with the same reference identifier as an...

Using Multiple Disks to Speed Up Couchbase Analytics Queries

Using Multiple Disks to Speed Up Couchbase Analytics Queries

Typical ad-hoc analytical queries have to process much more data than can fit in memory. Consequently, those queries tend to be I/O bound. When the Analytics service was introduced in Couchbase 6.0, it allowed users to specify multiple “Analytics Disk...

Testing N1QL Workloads with Apache JMeter

Testing N1QL Workloads with Apache JMeter

One of the key features that Couchbase provides for querying JSON data is a N1QL language. N1QL allows users to access and modify the contents of their JSON documents with familiar SQL statements. Quite often, during development phase of a...

Less Is More: Why Use a Cost-Based Optimizer?

Less Is More: Why Use a Cost-Based Optimizer?

Less is more.  — Ludwig Mies van der Rohe There is no truer statement on the goals of a query optimizer. Do less: Less memory, less CPU, less disk, less IO, less instructions, less partitions, less overflow. Less everything for...

Keshav Murthy September 7, 2019
Primary Uses for Couchbase Primary Index

Primary Uses for Couchbase Primary Index

A couple of frequently asked questions on N1QL for query service: When do we actually use a primary index? Why the index advisor does not recommend the primary index when that may the only choice? Read on… Couchbase is a...

Keshav Murthy August 22, 2019
N1QL Index Advisor: Improve Query Performance, Productivity

N1QL Index Advisor: Improve Query Performance, Productivity

As application developers, your main focus is to design the most efficient queries  for your application. You want to ensure the integrity of the data that your application pushes to the database, and construct the most efficient queries to retrieve...

Binh Le May 9, 2019
Search & Rescue: 7 Reasons N1QL Developers Use Search

Search & Rescue: 7 Reasons N1QL Developers Use Search

People don’t want a four key index.  They need a four-ms response. Ted Levitt Application development is demanding. Each application is trying to progress on behalf of the customer — searching for the right product or the right form, ordering,...

Keshav Murthy April 22, 2019