Category: Security
Couchbase Autonomous Operator vs MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator
A Kubernetes Operator is a software extension to Kubernetes that supports built-in capabilities to manage your Kubernetes applications in an automated fashion and that follows Kubernetes principles – especially the Control Loop pattern. Why do we need a Kubernetes Operator?...
OIDC Authorization Code Flow for Client Authentication in Couchbase Sync Gateway [Part 3 of 3]
Couchbase Sync Gateway supports OpenID Connect or OIDC-based client authentication. In this context, clients may be Couchbase Lite clients that synchronize data with Sync Gateway over the Internet using the websockets-based replication protocol or they could be web frontend or...
OAuth 2.0 & OIDC Fundamentals for Authentication & Authorization [Part 1 of 3]
Developers and architects simply can’t build modern applications without running into issues of authorization and authentication. OAuth 2.0 is an industry standard for “delegated authorization” which is the ability to provide an application or client access to data or features offered...
Announcing Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.2
Today we are announcing the General Availability of Couchbase Autonomous Operator for Kubernetes (CAO) Version 2.2. This release provides an automated cloud-native database experience with exciting new features and improvements, such as: Auto-scaling Couchbase services Online storage scaling (scale up...
TLS 1.3 encryption arrives to Couchbase Server 7.0
The Couchbase Server 7.0 Beta is now available with some additional enhancements to strengthen the security of the platform. Couchbase uses TLS encryption across our portfolio to ensure communication across the network is secure, meaning that outside parties cannot eavesdrop...
Authentication Using Server-Side X.509 Certificates And N1QL
Authentication and authorization to the N1QL query service in Couchbase works in multiple ways – Passing credentials through a rest request – curl http://localhost:8093/query/service?pretty=true -d “statement=select * from system:keyspaces” -u Admin:pwd Passing credentials using the creds named parameter and/or query...
Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 For Kubernetes Is Now GA!
We’re proud to announce the general availability of Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0. We have achieved significant milestones since we first announced production certification of Couchbase Server on Docker containers in June of 2016, and with Autonomous Operator 2.0, we are...
Announcing Couchbase Server 6.5 GA – What’s New and Improved
We are pleased to announce the release of Couchbase Server 6.5 GA with stellar features that lead the innovation in the NoSQL database market. We are excited to once again pioneer some of the most sought-after relational capabilities in the...
Tutorial: Couchbase Autonomous Operator On Minikube
This hands-on tutorial blog primarily covers details around setting up Couchbase Kubernetes Operator on a laptop/desktop running minikube. It features setting up custom TLS certs and persistent volumes. Along with checking how to scale up and down the cluster. Also...
Custom Authentication with Couchbase Mobile
Custom Authentication with Couchbase Mobile Couchbase Mobile extends Couchbase to the edge, securely managing and syncing data from any cloud to every mobile device. Couchbase Mobile features an embedded database – Couchbase Lite – with SQL and full-text search for...
Node-to-Node Encryption with Couchbase Server 6.5
With security on everyone’s mind, organizations need to run sensitive workloads under stringent security and compliance standards. Couchbase 6.5 preview brings several new security capabilities, and node-to-node encryption has been a top wish list item for many customers. In this...
Managing LDAP groups for external users in 6.5
In the last blog, we described a new feature in Couchbase Server 6.5 called Couchbase groups. In this blog, we will discuss about the new LDAP group capability in Couchbase Server 6.5, along with easy to follow steps to get...