Category: Uncategorized

Couchbase 102: Q & A

Couchbase 102: Q & A

In our ongoing training series, a number of questions come up each time, I list them out with their respective answers below! Couchbase 102 – SDK Operations Operations Concepts By Language: Q: Are these operations the same for mobile applications?...

The Couchbase Team December 6, 2013
Couchbase M101: Q & A

Couchbase M101: Q & A

In our ongoing training series, a number of questions come up each time, I list them out with their respective answers below! Couchbase M101 – Couchbase Mobile Architecture Couchbase Lite IOS API Documentation: Q: Are filters the right way to...

The Couchbase Team December 6, 2013
Couchbase 101 Q & A

Couchbase 101 Q & A

In our ongoing training series, a number of questions come up each time, I list them out with their respective answers below! Couchbase 101 – Architecture, Installation and Configuration My Ruby based load generator can be downloaded here: Q: We’re...

The Couchbase Team December 2, 2013
November 18: The Week in Couchbase NoSQL

November 18: The Week in Couchbase NoSQL

This week’s featured content, events, webinars and more – all in The Week in Couchbase NoSQL. FEATURED CONTENT Last week we announced the N1QL Developer Preview, here some interesting content related to this announcement: Content of the week: Announcing Couchbase...

The Couchbase Team November 18, 2013
Couchbase 103: Q & A

Couchbase 103: Q & A

In our ongoing training series, a number of questions come up each time, I list them out with their respective answers below! Couchbase 103 – Document Modeling Q: Assuming you can store a document as XML rather than JSON, what...

The Couchbase Team October 29, 2013
October 28: The Week in Couchbase NoSQL

October 28: The Week in Couchbase NoSQL

This week’s featured content, events, webinars and more – all in The Week in Couchbase NoSQL. FEATURED CONTENT Blog post of the week: Couchbase Online Training Q&A (Serie 101/102/103) Blog post of the week: How to install Couchbase for Node.js on...

The Couchbase Team October 28, 2013
Couchbase 101-102-103 (Series 1)

Couchbase 101-102-103 (Series 1)

We recently started an online webinar series to cover the core components of Couchbase Server from installation through getting set up for development and understanding indexing. A number of questions came up during the webinars and I am posting a...

The Couchbase Team October 22, 2013
How to : Implement Document Versioning with Couchbase

How to : Implement Document Versioning with Couchbase

[This blog was syndicated from] Introduction Developers are often asking me how to “version” documents with Couchbase 2.0. The short answer is: the clients and server do not expose such feature, but it is quite easy to implement. In...

The Couchbase Team July 21, 2013
SQL to NoSQL : Copy your data from MySQL to Couchbase

SQL to NoSQL : Copy your data from MySQL to Couchbase

[This blog was syndicated from] Introduction During my last interactions with the Couchbase community, I had the question how can I easily import my data from my current database into Couchbase. And my answer was always the same: Take...

The Couchbase Team July 8, 2013
Fun with Couchbase and Markov Chains

Fun with Couchbase and Markov Chains

I’ve been hearing about Markov chains for long enough – it was time that I learned more about them and develop a simple fun markov chain application. I’m sure that you don’t want to get bogged down by the mathematical...

The Couchbase Team November 15, 2012
Loading JSON data into Couchbase

Loading JSON data into Couchbase

If you’re writing a web application, you’re probably already familiar with JSON documents. Couchbase supports JSON documents and sooner or later you will need to import some JSON documents into Couchbase Server But just because you inserted data into Couchbase...

The Couchbase Team November 13, 2012
Lost your files from rm -rf * ? No problem, you have a backup

Lost your files from rm -rf * ? No problem, you have a backup

I recently came across video that describes how someone had accidentally typed the ‘rm *’ linux command during production of the Toy Story 2 movie and all the graphics, the art work, the scripts “vanished”. Luckily, they had a backup...

The Couchbase Team October 9, 2012