Category: Uncategorized

Schema Flexibility is SCRUMptious

Schema Flexibility is SCRUMptious

Waterfall Methodologies seem antiquated nowadays, with SCRUM, Crystal, eXtreme, Kanban and others, all these new paradigms for building applications iteratively and quickly have really become commonplace. I feel NoSQL with Couchbase is the next evolution of that movement, allowing you...

The Couchbase Team August 21, 2012
Do More With Less

Do More With Less

This is my “Hello World”, or rather my “Hello Blog” and I wanted to introduce myself. I, like many, have come from the startup world. Let's not kid ourselves, being from the “startup world” means being from the technology scrapyard...

The Couchbase Team July 16, 2012
Client Libraries for Couchbase Server

Client Libraries for Couchbase Server

Couchbase Server is simple to develop for by it’s very nature.  Modeling your data, as many of my colleagues often say, is simply a matter of organizing it like the natural world around you.  I know that seems like a...

The Couchbase Team January 23, 2012
Membase Server is Now Couchbase Server

Membase Server is Now Couchbase Server

This is my first blog posting at Couchbase – and one I’m very happy to be writing! Today we shipped Couchbase Server 1.8, culminating a tremendous amount of work since I joined Couchbase three months ago. Before getting in to...

The Couchbase Team January 23, 2012
Rebalancing With Couchbase Part II

Rebalancing With Couchbase Part II

This is the second part of a two-part piece that gets into the nitty gritty details of Couchbase’s rebalancing technology. The first part deals with the basic mechanics and background of the rebalancing process. In this second part, we’ll take...

Perry Krug November 4, 2011
Membase Server is Now Generally Available!

Membase Server is Now Generally Available!

I am proud to say we have just released Membase Server 1.6 for general availability. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our hundreds of beta users, who have worked with us over the past few months providing excellent...

The Couchbase Team October 11, 2010
NorthScale at Zynga

NorthScale at Zynga

We launched NorthScale with our story on working with Zynga. Software geeks out there may have wanted to know more about how Zynga and NorthScale collaborated on to build membase…We launched NorthScale with our story on working with Zynga.  Software...

The Couchbase Team April 21, 2010