Welcome to the third episode of Coffee on Couchbase where we learn from Developers from around the world that are creating interesting projects.  Robin, the lead developer at FrontLog, walks us through the implementation of Couchbase Mobile and describes how it enables the FrontLog team to create their collaborative Productivity and Task Management app to quickly sync tasks across different devices, users, and teams.

Robin talks in depth on how the data models are created for FrontLog and goes through how the LiveQuery is implemented to observe for database changes for new tasks or updates within the app.  By using Couchbase Mobile’s Channels feature, FrontLog enable users to subscribe to individual LogBooks and share across the latest LogBook data to users’ devices.

FrontLog is an easy to use productivity tool for anyone needing both a desktop and mobile experience.  You are able to share tasks to specific users when they are connected online and also have a full experience when offline.  With FrontLog’s Couchbase Mobile implementation, every task that was created offline will sync automatically when a connection is available again.

The app is available on iTunes now for both iOS and Mac OSX


Posted by William Hoang, Mobile Developer Advocate, Couchbase

William was a Developer Advocate on the Mobile Engineering/Developer Experience team at Couchbase. His love for coffee and code has transcended him into the world of mobile while appreciating the offline in-person experiences. Prior, William worked on the Developer Relations team over at Twitter, BlackBerry, and Microsoft while also having been a Software Embedded GPS engineer at Research In Motion. William graduated from McGill University in Electrical Software Engineering

One Comment

  1. Nice! I was dazzled by the technology behind the app, specifically, how fast everything synced across iPhone and Mac. The technology that Couchbase offers is truly amazing.

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