In case you missed it last month we announced we released Couchbase 4.5. With 4.5, Couchbase Server advances in three major categories:
Simplified transitioning from RDBMS to NoSQL,
Advanced database performance & scale
Enhanced management & security controls on your data.
With lots to read and watch here’s your one stop resources page to find all the information you need to get started.
Get started by downloading Couchbase 4.5 today!
Find out what’s new in 4.5
Start developing with N1QL straight away
All our documentation is online to help you get on your way!
Follow and keep up to date with our Couchbase 4.5 Playlist
If you have questions you cna post them on the forums, or ask us on IRC on Freenode in the #couchbase channel. Tweet us @couchbasedev and tell us how you’re getting on and tag it #couchbase to show what you’re building!