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Integrations with Couchbase and Google Cloud

Couchbase and the Google Cloud team continue to co-innovate and develop solutions that prioritize seamless user experiences. Our collaboration leverages the strengths of each technology to build better cutting-edge solutions for our customers.

Learn about our Google API Connector

Application Integration in Google Cloud is a robust Integration-Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) solution that provides connectors to streamline data connectivity and management across applications and services. The Couchbase connector is the easiest way of integrating Couchbase Capella with Google Cloud services. It enables users to connect Couchbase NoSQL databases to Google first-party solutions like BigQuery, Datastream, and Vertex AI and seamlessly manage the integration flows.

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Customer 360 with Couchbase and Google

In today’s digital age, understanding your customer has never been more important. Building robust customer 360 solutions and personalizing customer engagements with Couchbase and Google Cloud can help your businesses understand customers better and improve their overall experience.

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Couchbase and Google Cloud serve a range of industries

Organizations across industries choose Couchbase to transform their businesses, provide exceptional user experiences, and lower cloud operational costs with flexibility and high performance.

FAQ for Couchbase on Google Cloud

These answers and links will get you up and running quickly on a free trial or live deployment.

  • Can I use Couchbase with Google Cloud?

    Absolutely. Customers have been able to deploy Couchbase Server and Capella on Google Cloud for years, and Google is a key Couchbase partner.

  • How do I run Couchbase on Google Cloud?

    Couchbase Capella, our Database-as-a-Service, can be deployed on Google Cloud in over 30 regions Customers can also self-manage Couchbase Server within their Google Cloud environment.

  • How do I access Couchbase on Google Cloud?

    The fastest and easiest way to set up and access Couchbase on Google Cloud is through Capella. In the free trial, select Google Cloud and your region of choice during deployment. If you’ve purchased credits, do the same when spinning up your cluster.

  • Is Couchbase free on Google Cloud?

    Couchbase Capella provides a 30-day free trial that can be deployed on Google Cloud.

  • What is Couchbase Capella?

    Couchbase Capella is a fully managed Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) offering by Couchbase, providing easy-to-use, scalable, and secure cloud-native database management for modern applications. It’s a multipurpose database that supports many workloads and use cases, including vector search and mobile synchronization. Capella delivers millisecond data response at scale with industry-leading DBaaS price-performance.

  • Can I buy Couchbase Capella in the Google Cloud Marketplace?

    Yes. You can purchase credits for Couchbase Capella and license other Couchbase software in the Google Cloud Marketplace.

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