Wow! We had some really good submissions for the Couch Developer Awards. After reviewing all the submissions we have now narrowed it down to our finalists and wanted to congratulate them.
The categories and their finalists are…
Best application built with Membase Server
Tribal Crossing for Animal Party
AdAction for Delta Projects
TubeMogul for PlayTime Video Advertising
Tune Wiki for TuneWiki Social Music Player
Best Application built with Apache CouchDB or Couchbase Single Server (Powered by CouchDB)
MuDynamics for
Edelweiss for Edelweiss
Voxeo for RemoteAgent
NEA (National Education Association) for Robert’s Rules of Order New Business Items
Menagerie Vet for Menagerie Whiteboard
Nodester for Nodester
2600hz for Whistle
Best Mobile Application (Using Couchbase Mobile or CouchDB in the cloud or on the device)
Hexeditreality for Couchpad
Accessible Places for Accessible Places
Mobile Accord for GeoPoll
Radical Dynamic for Group Complete
We will be announcing the winners at CouchConf on July 29th. There are still tickets available, but we are getting close to selling out, so if you want to join in be sure to register soon. For all that already have their tickets in hand we will see you there!
– Chris