Note: all examples can be found here.

Today we are releasing a very special Developer Preview (DP) of a new feature in the upcoming release of Couchbase Server called Sub-document, along with our normal Couchbase Server .NET SDK 2.2.6! The Sub-document API is a new feature of Couchbase Server that is available in the Developer Preview of Couchbase Server 4.5.

If you recall, in Couchbase all document mutations are atomic and involve the entire document. If you only want to change a single field and then do an update, the entire document in Couchbase server is copied over by the new revision. The problem with is that if the document is large or the network slow (or both), then a lot of resources are wasted sending data that hasn’t been modified. A better, more performant solution would be to just send the portion of the document or the value which has been mutated. Essentially, that is what you get with sub-document API; when you update an element or delete an element of a document, only the path of the fragment to be mutated is sent over the wire and only that part of the document is modified.

There are several different operations that are supported by the API, from mutations on individual nested elements or sub-documents to array and dictionary modifications. Counter operations are also supported, as are retrieval operations for embedded JSON fragments.

The API Is exposed via a fluent interface which allows you append multiple operations and then executing them against the document atomically. There there are two different “builders”: a builder for mutation operations and a builder for reads or “lookups” and to check if an element exists at a given path.

IMPORTANT: Sub-document API is a Developer Preview!!!

Please note that this is an early DP of the Sub-document API and has not gone through the usual checks and balances that are normal API’s go through before a release. Additionally, based on user feedback, the public interfaces may change in subsequent releases, therefore it is not suggested you use the Sub-document API in production…just yet. The rest of 2.2.6 has been tested, however, and is ready for production usage.

Prerequisite: Couchbase Server 4.5.0 Developer Preview

In order to follow the examples below, you’ll need to download and install Couchbase Server 4.5 developer preview. Go, do this now!

Sub-Document API DP Overview

The following examples will use a document with an id of “puppy” and will look like this:

All of the examples are available on Github so you can clone the project and play around with the API.

MutateInBuilder and LookupInBuilder

As mentioned previously, the Sub-document API offers two new Types that utilize a builder pattern via a fluent-interface for chaining together multiple operations on a document. Both objects are created by calling MutateIn or LookupIn on a CouchbaseBucket object and passing in the key or id of the document you are working against:

Once you have the builder object, you can chain together a number of operations to execute against the document, for example:

Then you can send all of the operations to the server in a single batch:

And then check the result of one operation operation for the path type:

The IDocumentFragment

Name Description
Content(…) Gets the content for a given path or index.
Exists(…) Returns true if there is a result for a given path or index.
Count() The count of current operations maintained by the builder.
OpStatus(…) The ResponseStatus of an operation at a given index or path.
Status The ResponseStatus for the entire multi-operation.
Success True if the entire multi-operation succeeds.

Besides these properties or methods, there are all of the other properties inherited from OperationResult which is the standard response from a K/V operation: Upsert, Remove, Replace, etc.

Error Handling

When sending multiple mutations, if one of them fails, the entire multi-operation request fails, allowing transactional all-or-nothing semantics when performing mutations within a single document. When sending multiple lookups, some operations may succeed and some may fail, with the server attempting to return as many items as requested. If the operations failed then Status property will contain a top-level error response such as SubDocMultiPathFailure, which is an indication to dig deeper into the operation’s results to get the specific error. You can do this by iterating by calling the OpStatus method and passing either the index or the path:

In this case since the path didn’t exist within the document, the specific error returned was SubDocPathNotFound. There are many different combinations of errors depending upon the builder type and the condition for the error – this is a brief introduction and should be suitable for starting out with the API.

LookupInBuilder Examples

The LookUpInBuilder supports two operations: fetching a value by path and checking for the existence of a value at a given path.


Let’s lookup the owner fragment by path:

The output is:


Let’s check if the owner path exists:

The output is true, the path owner does indeed exist within the document.


The MutateInBuilder offers a number of methods supporting mutations on scalar values, dictionaries and arrays, along with support for atomic counter operations.


Insert adds a value to a dictionary optionally allowing for the containing element (the dictionary itself) to be added:

The document’s attributes dictionary will now look like this:

Now if the parent element doesn’t exist, the createParents parameter can be used to create the parent element. This is true by default, so you do not have to do anything – pass false if you want to fail if the parent element doesn’t exist:

This will create the new attribute called anewattribute in the document and add a single key called withakey with a value of somevalue.

Now, if we passed on false for createParents and the parent attribute did not exist, then the multi-mutation would fail with a top-level response status of SubDocMultiPathFailure and the specific error would be SubDocPathNotFound.


Upsert will add or replace an existing dictionary entry. The usage is exactly the same as Insert with the exception of the method name being Upsert.


Remove will remove an element at a given path. As an example, we will remove the owner’s name from the document above:

And the document after called Remove:


Replace will swap the value of element at a given path, failing if the path does not exist:

The document will now have a different value for “owner”:


Adds a value to the back of an array optionally adding the parent element (the array element itself) if it doesn’t exist.

The toys array in the document now has the value “slipper” in the last ordinal:


Adds a value to the front of an array optionally adding the parent element (the array itself) if it doesn’t exist:

The toys array now has the value “slipper” in it’s first ordinal:


Inserts a value into an array at a given index:

The toys array now has the value “slipper” at it’s 3rd ordinal (index 2):


Inserts a value into an array, failing if it exists (the value must be unique within the array):

Since the value “shoe” already exists in the original document’s toys array, this will fail withe following status:

Note that this method only allows for JSON primitives to be inserted: strings, numbers, and special values for true, false or null. The reason is that there is no way to compare for uniqueness without descending into each JSON object and comparing elements item by item.


Adds a the specified delta to an existing value, creating the element if it doesn’t exist and defaulting the value and delta to 0. If the delta is negative, the value of the element will be decremented by the given delta.

Since the element doesn’t exist it will be created and then set to one (1). The document will now look like this:

If we pass a negative one (-1), then the counter for likes will be decremented back to zero (0):

And the JSON document will now look like this:

Release Notes for v2.2.6


  • [NCBC-981] – When FQDN is defined for Couchbase instance SSL fails
  • [NCBC-1074] – View request blocks indefinitely if waited on synchronously
  • [NCBC-1083] – PoolConfiguration still uses default settings when overridden
  • [NCBC-1084] – ConfigurationSection ignores UseSsl
  • [NCBC-1086] – GetAndLock not returning Locked status but timed out when doc is locked


  • [NCBC-1070] – Make QueryRequest not depend upon JSON.NET
  • [NCBC-1082] – Add support for sortCount in QueryResult.Metrics
  • [NCBC-1085] – Await callback so that the executing thread is not blocked
  • [NCBC-1090] – Fix ” Cannot await in the body of a catch clause” in SSL IO

New Feature

  • [NCBC-998] – Include support for Subdocument API – Part 1 Multi-commands DP

How to get v2.2.6

  • Download the binaries here.
  • The NuGet package can be found here.
  • The Github repo is here.


Posted by Jeff Morris, Senior Software Engineer, Couchbase

Jeff Morris is a Senior Software Engineer at Couchbase. Prior to joining Couchbase, Jeff spent six years at Source Interlink as an Enterprise Web Architect. Jeff is responsible for the development of Couchbase SDKs and how to integrate with N1QL (query language).

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