Over the past year or so I’ve written a variety of tutorials around the full-text search (FTS) service of Couchbase, most of which are specific examples of how to do something with one of the SDKs and never really anything to do with the application behind it. One of many possible realistic applications includes using a typeahead or data suggestion feature in a web application form. Based on user input, possible results are searched against and displayed.
We’re going to see how to build a typeahead form using the full-text search service in Couchbase, Node.js, and jQuery to string it all together.
Before getting too involved, the assumption is that you already have Couchbase Server 5.0+ installed and configured with full-text search enabled. The assumption is that you already have Node.js installed as well because the API will be powered with Node.js and Express Framework.
Creating a NoSQL Dataset with FTS Indexes
When working with FTS, you could be using one of a potentially unlimited number of searching scenarios. We’re going to be a little more specific for the purpose of this example.
Let’s assume that we are working with music data and our goal is to search for songs based on artist, album, or song title. Let’s assume that each of our NoSQL documents takes the following format:
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{ "title": "Love Story", "artist": "Taylor Swift", "album": "Fearless", "type": "song" } |
Not the most complex JSON document, but it could be if we wanted it to be. For the sake of this example, we’re just going to worry about the title
and the artist
, even though it wouldn’t take much more effort to expand.
To use FTS, we’re going to need to create a special index in Couchbase that looks like the following:
To summarize, we need to come up with a name for the index, specify the type mapping, and define the fields that will be indexed, all of which will be stored in the index itself.
When creating the index, it is important to store the field, otherwise, we won’t have anything to display in our typeahead.
Developing a Node.js RESTful API Endpoint for Searching
Now that we have some data in the database and an index created for searching, we can create an API endpoint with Node.js. The point of this API is to act as an endpoint for our search form to use. After all, we wouldn’t want our client-facing frontend to hit the database directly as that would be unsafe.
On your computer, create a new project and execute the following from the command line:
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npm init -y npm install couchbase cors express --save |
The above commands will create a new package.json file and install the few dependencies of our project. We’ll be using the Couchbase SDK with Express Framework and we’re installing a package to handle cross-origin resource sharing (CORS).
Because our application is small, let’s create an app.js file in our project to contain all of our code. We can bootstrap it with the following:
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const Couchbase = require("couchbase"); const Express = require("express"); const Cors = require("cors"); var app = Express(); var cluster = new Couchbase.Cluster("couchbase://localhost"); cluster.authenticate("example", "123456"); var bucket = cluster.openBucket("example"); app.use(Cors()); app.get("/search", (request, response) => { }); app.listen(3000, () => { console.log("Listening at :3000..."); }); |
In the above code, we’ve imported our downloaded dependencies, configured Express and connected them to our Couchbase instance. You’ll need to swap out the connection information with that of your actual database instance.
The /search
endpoint is where all the magic is going to happen. Let’s dig into it:
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app.get("/search", (request, response) => { var SearchQuery = Couchbase.SearchQuery; var query = SearchQuery.new("idx-music", SearchQuery.match(request.query.query).fuzziness(1)); query.fields(["title", "artist"]); bucket.query(query, function(error, result, meta) { if(error) { return response.status(500).send({ message: error.message }); } result = result.map(item => { return { id: item.id, score: item.score, title: item.fields.title, artist: item.fields.artist }; }); response.send(result); }); }); |
First, we define our query as a match query against our particular index. The match query will use whatever text is passed in via the query parameters of the request. We’re also going to be using a fuzzy search with a value of 1 to accommodate misspellings of words.
Before we execute the query, we define that we want the title
and artist
back in the results. These are the same fields we added to our index.
Upon successful execution of the query, we parse our results to only return what we want, rather than the extra metadata that comes back with the response.
Using a cURL request, you could hit http://localhost:3000/search?query=swift and see various results depending on your dataset.
Designing a Frontend with jQuery and Typeahead libraries
Searching with cURL has its values, but most of the time it isn’t what we’re going to want to do. Instead, we should create a client-facing front end using readily available web technologies.
There are a lot of potential libraries out there, but we’re going to use typeahead.js which maintained by Twitter. You’ll need to download it, but take note that we’re going to be using version 0.10.5 of the library due to bugs in the latest. I wasted a good portion of the day trying to troubleshoot the library only to find this out.
Create a project that contains the following structure:
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js handlebars-v4.0.11.js jquery-3.3.1.min.js typeahead.bundle.min.js index.html |
Yes, you will need Handlebars.js and jQuery to be successful with this frontend. As far as I know, the version doesn’t matter, we just care about the version of our typeahead library.
Within the project’s index.html file, include the following:
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<html> <head> <style> .tt-input, .tt-hint, .twitter-typeahead { width: 100%; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="remote"> <input class="typeahead" type="text" placeholder="Songs..."> </div> <script src="js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script> <script src="js/handlebars-v4.0.11.js"></script> <script src="js/typeahead.0.10.5.bundle.min.js"></script> <script> $('#remote .typeahead').typeahead( { hint: true, minLength: 3, highlight: false, limit: 5 }, { name: "song", displayKey: "id", source: function (query, callback) { $.getJSON("http://localhost:3000/search?query=" + query, function (data) { return callback(data); }); }, templates: { suggestion: Handlebars.compile('<div>{{title}} – {{artist}}</div>') } } ); </script> </body> </html> |
Ignoring how we’ve just done basic HTML markup to include our styles and scripts, jump ahead into our typeahead function. For the configuration, we’re going to show popup hints for any records found, require that at least 3 characters are present, don’t highlight matching words, and limit our results to 5 items displaying. Feel free to adjust the settings to your specifications.
In the next section, we define our displayKey
. We know that we’re getting an array of objects back and an id
is one of the properties of those objects. We want that value to show in our form after selection. For the data source, we are doing a GET request to our API endpoint and passing the response back to our typeahead library. Everything will be rendered in the templates
You just saw how to use a typeahead, often referred to as autosuggestions or auto-complete, using jQuery, Node.js, and full-text search (FTS) in Couchbase. There are many use cases when it comes to full-text search and many different libraries available for typeahead functionality. This tutorial is more or less for giving you an idea for the future.
For more information on using Couchbase with Node.js, check out the Couchbase Developer Portal.