Today, Couchbase is pleased to announce the availability of Couchbase Server 3.0.2, a release building upon the 3.0 product family. With 1000s of hours in production use across many global enterprises, and with 100s of quality improvements in 3.0.2 that advances many areas including the upgrade experience, performance and scale, 3.0 is ready for production use!
So, What’s improving with 3.0.2?Â
We have done a great deal of platform specific quality improvements that advance the stability of the product on Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL, and Microsoft Windows. In particular, the upgrade experience is now quite seamless in 3.0.2. The new performance & scale numbers show even more impressive numbers than the original 3.0 release. A great deal of work went into optimizing our storage engine: With 3.0.2, we have further enhanced the storage engine to improve the performance of this sub-component. You will also find additional improvement in view maintenance performance, XDCR replication rate, and even reducing resource utilization for tools like backup. In addition, we have also added a great deal of quality improvements for better data security.
Want more details on the improvements, read along…
3.0.2 addresses several issues so lets dive in…
- View Indexing Performance: Windows platform has seen the biggest improvements in indexing performance but there are improvements on all platforms. We simply squeeze more out of your HW capacity with Couchbase Server 3.0.2, all across the board.
- Query Performance: Views with Incremental Map/Reduce engine has improved drastically with v3.0 already. Especially queries requiring full consistency (a.k.a stale=false) get a great deal of improvement. With 3.0.2 view queries in some cases experience up to >500% performance improvement over version 2.5. We have improved an additional 25% over 3.0.1 with full consistent (stale=false) queries.
- XDCR Latencies: 3.0 gives you much better protection against regional failures with its cross data center replication facility. In 3.0.2, XDCR latency has improved >15x over version 2.5 and over 3x from 3.0.1. This means drastically improved data protection and data loss exposure.
- Security: We have enhanced data security in a number of front. An important update is the removal of SSLv3 to prevent exposure to the Poodle issue (, and regulated internal ports for XDCR and view communication for better data protections.
- Windows Platform: Couchbase provides first class support for windows platform and takes great advantage of native platform capabilities. Windows platform especially has seen a great deal of improvement in performance with 3.0.2. The number are hugely impressive for Windows.
- >500% improvement on view indexing,
- >400% improvement on durability latency with PersistTo *
- A smashing >180x improvement on durability latency with ReplicateTo *
- Up to 40% improvement on rebalance latency
- and more…
*Detailed information about durability requirements can be found in the SDK documentation for various SDKs under the topic: “Durability Requirements” – Here is the Java reference to get you started:
With so many important quality improvement in 3.0.2, there is no reason to wait. Upgrade to Couchbase Server 3.0.2 and take advantage of the most up-to-date experience in your production environment today.
You can download Couchbase Server 3.0.2 from our download page : & find the release notes for version 3.0.2 on our documentation page: