In this interview series we will get to know our Couchbase Champion Alex Dorandish who hails from Canada!
Tell us about yourself and what you do in your daily role?
Alex: I am a geek by nature with lots of curiosity. Once a friend asked me what do I do if I go to heaven and there is no Internet to which I responded, “I prefer hell with a divine Internet and an Apple MacBook Pro and I am set.” I am obsessed with PoC and I create libraries of PoCs and certain use cases related to those PoCs to use later. My role aside from development is focused on designing high performing applications and using my PoCs to ensure that I get to that optimum performance.
Where are you based and what do you like to do in your spare time?
Alex: I am based in Vancouver, BC, Canada and I have never heard of anything called “Spare Time.” What is it? I would love to learn about it.
What made you choose Couchbase?
Alex: First the performance, and more importantly, the people. One of the best companies I have ever worked with.
What have you accomplished using Couchbase?
Alex: I managed to convert a lot of projects from RDBMS (more so Oracle than others) to Couchbase. I suspect someone at Oracle has a baseball bat with my name written on it. If something happened to me you know where to look for the suspects :D. But joke aside, the performance I managed to get for one of my clients at the rate of ~300K transactions per second blew their minds and turned them into believers.
What one feature of Couchbase do you use and what should people know about it?
Alex: The product is following the golden rule of keeping it simple. So if people don’t know most of the features, it would surprise me. But performance combined with ease of use is the main feature I use.
If you could have three wishes for Couchbase what would they be?
Alex: 1- Faster market share increase, 2- Enterprise-level installation and tuning and optimization guidelines, 3- Events in Vancouver or Seattle
What is your favorite book or author, and why?
Alex: Oh boy. I read on average 50-70 books a year. I cannot single out one author. But the most shocking one was Ryan Holiday’sbook, “Trust Me, I’m Lying.”
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Implemented real-world projects using Couchbase
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Authored a book on Couchbase Maintain GitHub repositories, contribute code, translations or documentation to Couchbase
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