Congratulations to our newest Couchbase Community Champion, Nic Raboy
Tell us about yourself and what you do in your daily role?
I’m a Developer Evangelist in the maps and location industry where I’m constantly creating awesome and unique demos for mobile, web, and IoT to show integrations with the company’s product.
Where are you based and what do you like to do in your spare time?
I’m based in Tracy, CA, USA, and in my free time I spend time with my wife and kid, build the brand of my side hustle, or play video games.
What made you choose Couchbase?
I’m a former employee, but continue to use it because it is a great and reliable product that is still very relevant in my current eole.
What have you accomplished using Couchbase?
I’ve written some interesting tutorials around it that integrate it with relevant technologies.
What one feature of Couchbase do you use and what should people know about it?
I use N1QL, Couchbases’s SQL-based query language for JSON, because I’ve spent so many years with RDBMS databases where SQL is now a part of me.
If you could have three wishes for Couchbase what would they be?
(1) Couchbase should be able to run on IoT hardware such as Raspberry Pi; (2) Couchbase should have a cloud solution; (3) The SDKs should comply with modern language best practices, for example, promises in JavaScript.
What is your favorite book or author, and why?
I don’t think I’ve read a book in the last 20 years since online blogs have been my source of information and movies have been my source of entertainment.
Want to get involved in the Couchbase Community? Then join our Community Directory and become our next Couchbase Community Champion!
Become a Champion
The Couchbase Champion program is open to anyone who engages with the Couchbase community in any one of the following ways:
- Solve problems and provide answers to questions posted on the Couchbase Forums.
- Organize or regularly attend Couchbase meetups and engage in conversations and Q&A.
- Blog and tweet in response to community questions.
- Speak at industry and/or Couchbase-hosted events.