I’m excited to share that we’ve released a brand new set of tutorials for mobile developers looking to get started building apps with Couchbase Mobile 2.x.
These step-by-step tutorials walk you through the process of integrating Couchbase Mobile into your mobile applications. You will learn about Database CRUD, Query, Full-Text-Search, sync capabilities, and more.
The tutorials span iOS, Android and .NET (Xamarin and UWP) platforms and are available from our sample apps   page.
This is just the beginning. There are several more tutorials coming your way – so stay tuned!
We hope you find them useful as you get up and running with Couchbase Mobile.
You guys (Couchbase) need to think about slowing your roll.
The vast majority of your tutorials are horrendous, as is your general documentation. Non-functioning navigation to previous/next navigation in most of your tutorials, broken links scattered throughout that lead not to relevant addresses, but generic ones that are of no help and unrelated to the referring topic, hard-to-understand ESL-class writing (on english sites), and just plain broken tutorials are just a few things that come to mind.
I really want to like and use the Couchbase stack, but the poor quality of learning resources is pushing me to other competing technologies. The latest example is your supposed Xamarin.Android tutorial – it just doesn’t exist (unless you expect me to use Swift and XCode to develop it).
If you want Couchbase mobile and sync-gateway to be considered first-class, then quit bragging about how great it is and treat it as such. Write tutorials that allow people who want to explore it to actually be able to. Give real documentation on how to configure it – not just a bunch of configuration files in a folder.
Hey Brent
Sorry to hear about the issues you are facing with our tutorials and documentation. As you rightly pointed out,the links in the blog post are dated.The blog post was originally posted in 2015 and in future, we will try our best to ensure that our blogs are kept up-to-date.
We have updated this blog post to point to our latest Couchbase Mobile 2.x release and samples site. We hope that you find these tutorials useful. Also, you can access our latest documentation pages from https://docs.couchbase.com/home/index.html
The set of samples is far from complete. We recognize the importance of providing adequate coverage across all platforms. You may be happy to note that we are actively working on a series of Xamarin related tutorials similar to the “User Profile” tutorials that we have for iOS on that page. This will be followed by native Android.
In the meantime, I would recommend the “Travel Sample” app. This is an in-depth walkthrough of Couchbase Mobile across all platforms and a good starting point.
I specifically registered to add my feedback to this.
I have to agree with Brent, the documentation and tutorials are really poor. I consider myself an experienced developer moving into the mobile space and I am struggling with your offerings. Plus there are so many totally out-of-date blog posts and tutorials that dominate google search.
Take for example, the Ionic Cordova plugin tutorial. A large proportion coverers making a cordova plugin and then importing a database but misses out something as simple as creating a new document!
In the hybrid space developers are going to be using json documents, so cover how they would save that – and not some overly simple json object with a couple of key-value pairs either, something genuine.
In my mind a starter tutorial should cover:
1. how to create a new empty database;
2. how to save documents;
4. how to query those documents;
5. how those save and query methods can become generic, that is, so I can save different documents using the same methods.
The latter (5) is particularly relevant in the creation of a hybrid plugin, I feel.
Considering the cost is $6k per server and sync gateway why would I even contemplate those prices given I cannot even build a simple working app from your tutorials and get a feel for the technology.