Guest post by Eni Bellver, a recent student from the School of Code Bootcamp that included a workshop teaching Couchbase technology.
I recently had the pleasure of attending a Couchbase presentation and workshop that was delivered virtually to over 100 School of Code “Bootcampers”! The session delivered by Couchbase was carefully planned, impactful, engaging, and easy to follow.
Couchbase prepared an activity with the purpose of allowing us to try Couchbase Capella, while being guided through the UI and all the different components. We were also provided with additional material such as written instructions (PDFs) and presentation slides. If at some point some of us were stuck on a particular step the presenter slowed down and went over the previous steps to ensure we were all on the same page. We also helped each other as bootcampers and I was happy to hear the Couchbase team noticed this because mutual support is one of the greatest characteristics of the School of Code community.
My first impression was that every Couchbase team member was passionate and knew their topic very well. Explanations and demos were clearly aided by nicely designed slides which made the introduction to Couchbase easy to follow along.Â
While a member of the team was talking about something, the rest of the team was present on the zoom chat and responding to our questions. This increased our engagement and understanding greatly.
Gaining exposure to real business technology
The session was thoroughly enjoyable and quick-paced, thanks to this the Couchbase team was able to cover many important features of the service. I was thrilled to experience a real business tech demo for the first time, it was a glimpse into my future as a developer and I am looking forward to it.Â
After the presentation, I had a good understanding of how Couchbase’s service can be useful to develop fast, responsive applications. I recently learned SQL on School of Code Bootcamp and I thought their version of it, N1QL, is an improvement to the language. Because it’s so similar, it was simple to pick up, but the JSON data extension makes queries more readable. The main feature that stood out to me was the Full-Text Search (FTS), mainly because text search can be challenging to develop and Couchbase’s in-built feature makes that process uncomplicated and manageable.
When I was growing up, I was influenced by stereotypes that discouraged me from pursuing a STEM career. I often felt like I wasn’t suited for certain jobs and struggled to find a vocation after graduating from high school. Today, I know I’m not the only one who’s felt this way and even though businesses have been working towards gender diversity in the workplace, there’s still a lot of work to do within the educational institutes. As we’re getting closer to Women’s Day I think of all the women I look up to (such as Margaret Hamilton or Ada Lovelace), and I reflect on my perspective and how it’s changed thanks to the opportunity School of Code and companies such as Couchbase have given me.
Benefits of the School of Code program
The School of Code’s mission is to bring people from all sorts of backgrounds into the tech industry; providing a structure and support they help bootcampers become software developers even if they never wrote a line of code before the bootcamp.
One of the best aspects of the School of Code is the variety of industry guest speakers that are invited to come and teach us something relevant to the field. These talks are valuable because they give us insight into industry standards, what tools are available and how they’re used. The support of businesses like Couchbase is greatly valuable to bootcampers, and really prepares us with the knowledge of new tools and systems that will support us as we dive into our new tech careers.
I want to thank Couchbase for spending time giving us bootcampers such a thorough overview of their product, I can relate to their passion and enthusiasm, and I look forward to the day I’m in a similar position.
Here is a summary of the links from this blog post:
- School of Code – Apply to their free training program
- Couchbase Capella – NoSQL Database-as-a-service, free trial is available
- N1QL – Couchbase’s SQL-based JSON query language
- Couchbase Full-Text Search – Index and search text in JSON documents