Over the last year or so, we have been working on a vast number of features and improvements for our next major release. Today, we are ready to pull back the curtain on Couchbase Server 3.0.
With 3.0, Couchbase Architecture continues to be one of the core strengths and with this release, we have further strengthened the fundamental capabilities and extended the breadth of use cases that Couchbase supports. 3.0 release focuses on five major pillars with many large enhancements in each area:
Mission Critical Scalability & Performance
- Optimizations for Large Data Footprint: With tunable memory, administrators can control what parts of data stay resident in memory or can be evicted, to enable efficient handling of massive data footprints.
- Optimized Throughput: With the new auto-tuning thread pool, Couchbase provides improved throughput combined with much lower IO latencies.
- Lower Latency with View (secondary indexes): With the brand new in-memory change detection mechanism, Couchbase achieves much lower latency for synchronization of views.
Enhanced Availability & Disaster Recovery
- Improved Disaster Recovery: With incremental backup and restore, you can reduce the backup size and take more frequent backups for increased protection against disasters.
- Lower Latency with XDCR (cross datacenter replication): With the brand new in-memory change detection and replication across sites, Couchbase lowers the latency for replicating data across data centers and across continents.
Secure Communication
- Encrypted Data Access: With 3.0, applications can now encrypt their communication to Couchbase Server.
- Encryption for the Administrative Access: Administrators can now securely manage and monitor Couchbase Server over https with both Web Console and for the REST APIs.
Simplified Administration
- Faster Rebalance: Improved rebalance time when changing cluster topology including adding or removing node.
- Improved Resource Governance: With bucket priorities, administrators can now control resource allocation to each bucket through a high/low priority setting.
- Improved Manageability with XDCR (cross datacenter replication): With pause & resume for XDCR (cross datacenter replication), administrators now can control the replication flow with a simple interface and pause cross data center replication for maintenance and resume without triggering a full resynchronization.
Developer Empowerment
- Fully integrated native JSON: Now you can work with JSON more naturally in the new 2.0 client SDKs.
- Powerful async and reactive interfaces: Java , and .NET enables building richer apps, with better IO performance.
- Rich framework integrations: With open source frameworks such as Spring, gEvent, twisted and more.
There are many many other smaller enhancements that didn’t make the list above so expect to find many enhancements when you try out the new version. There will also be a great number of new use cases where Couchbase Server will be a perfect fit.
I am happy to announce the release of Couchbase Server 3.0 Beta today. I hope you give Couchbase Server 3.0 Beta a try. We would like you to test drive 3.0 beta, and participate in our bug bash challenge to make this release even better”.
Here are some resources to get you started.
- Download 3.0 Beta – http://www.couchbase.com/download#beta
- Visit the 3.0 beta site – http://www.couchbase.com/beta
- Blog on Beta Bug Bash – https://www.couchbase.com/blog/join-bug-bash/
- Release notes for 3.0 – http://docs.couchbase.com/prebuilt/couchbase-manual-3.0/rel-notes/rel-notes3.0beta.html
- Read the 3.0 documentation – https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/3.x/admin/Couchbase-intro.html
Reach out to us via our community portal. We look forward to your feedback!
[…] the run up for the 3.0 release, we’ll be running a Bug Bash. The mission? To help us improve the quality of the Couchbase Server […]