Tag: 6.0

Announcing Couchbase Server 6.0 with Analytics

Announcing Couchbase Server 6.0 with Analytics

We are proud to announce that Couchbase Server 6.0 is now available, with the central theme of helping reduce the time to insight from enterprise applications. As part of this release, Couchbase Analytics service is now officially available. After two...

Announcing Couchbase Server 6.0 Beta

Announcing Couchbase Server 6.0 Beta

The innovation engine at Couchbase is in full swing and we’ve made significant updates in the 6.0 beta to the Analytics, Eventing, and Full-Text Search services. Couchbase Analytics Service is now officially in beta – it’s been 2 years since...

Timers in Couchbase Functions

Timers in Couchbase Functions

We are pleased to announce the support of Timers in Couchbase 6.0 Beta release. This is the an important innovation in Couchbase Functions that enables asynchronous compute in reference to wall-clock events. Timers are constructs by which developers can specify...

Full-text search improvements in Couchbase Server 5.5 & 6.0

Full-text search improvements in Couchbase Server 5.5 & 6.0

Couchbase Server 5.5 and 6.0 add several new features to the Full-Text Search (FTS) service (among many other new features). Included, are performance/manageability improvements, finalizing the geospatial feature, and adding extensive new language analyzers. Indexing engine improvements Foundational improvements were...