Tag: 6.5

Migrating Data from MongoDB to Couchbase, Part 2
Prolog The previous article provided details on how to migrate a MongoDB data set to Couchbase Server. This article shows you how to use the Couchbase SDK to access the data via a Java console application. Code snippets show how...

Announcing Couchbase Server 6.5 GA – What’s New and Improved
We are pleased to announce the release of Couchbase Server 6.5 GA with stellar features that lead the innovation in the NoSQL database market. We are excited to once again pioneer some of the most sought-after relational capabilities in the...

Couchbase 6.5 – RMS for Indexing Service
Couchbase 6.5 release includes an extensive list of Enterprise Grade Database Query capability that allows customers to expand the adoption of NoSQL database into traditional database applications. The release has added transactional capability, Analytical Window functions, user defined JS functions,...

Deep Dive: Window functions in Couchbase Analytics
Couchbase Server 6.5 brings a host of new features [1] to the leading NoSQL database. One of the key additions to the N1QL query language is support for window functions. These functions were originally introduced in the SQL:2003 standard and provide...

Observing the Rising Tide of Developer Influence
International Data Corporation (IDC) announced the results of a really interesting research project recently, where it has surveyed 2,500 developers around the globe. The IDC team commenting on the report saying that: “Developers are increasingly regarded as visionaries and architects...

Index Advisor For Query Workload
Overview As the second feature of Index Advisor released in Couchbase server 6.5 (Developer Preview), Advisor function extends the scope from advising on single query to providing index recommendations for query workload and support on session handling. In this article,...

Window functions in Couchbase Analytics
Co-author: Till Westmann, Senior Director, Engineering The bits for Couchbase 6.5, the upcoming release of Couchbase Server, are now available. The Analytics service, which supports efficient parallel query processing, has added support for support for window functions defined in the...

Couchbase Supports Multi-Document ACID Transactions
I’m excited to announce support of “distributed multi-document ACID transactions” in Couchbase Server 6.5. Whether you’re writing a new application or modernizing an existing relational application, with transactions in Couchbase 6.5 your work is easier than ever before. Why distributed...

Introduction To Jepsen Testing At Couchbase
Intro As most of you know, Couchbase is a database that provides users with a range of consistency and fault tolerance options to ensure that the state of their data meet certain criteria or guarantees. Users can specify varying levels...

Get Started with Couchbase Collections Using the Demo App
Collections are a new feature in Couchbase 6.5. They let you group similar documents within each bucket, just as tables in relational databases collect similar records within each database. Collections will be fully supported in Couchbase 7.0, but you can...

Eventing Service Improvements in Couchbase Server 6.5
Couchbase Eventing Service provides a framework for writing your own functions to process data change events (create, update, delete/expiry). Couchbase Server 6.5 introduces a set of important improvements to the Eventing Service that enable a lot of new use cases...

Intro to Collections – Dev Preview in Couchbase Server 6.5
Couchbase, a document database, allows great flexibility in storing different types of documents in a single bucket (bucket being the equivalent of a database). There is a frequent need to refer to documents of a similar type together e.g. an...