Tag: 6.5

Understanding Distributed Multi-Document ACID Transactions
Couchbase CTO Ravi Mayuram announced Distributed Multi-document ACID Transactions in Couchbase Server 6.5. I highly recommend reading Ravi’s blog which highlights how Couchbase transactions are an innovative union of ACID guarantees with scale, high-availability, performance and flexibility. In this blog,...

Advanced UI Statistics in Couchbase Server 6.5
Statistics in Couchbase Server has been the source of truth for understanding the performance, monitoring usage, and troubleshooting operations for administrators. In 6.5, we are making some integral updates to the display of stats in the Couchbase Server Web Console,...

Index Advisor for N1QL Query Statement
Overview Index advisor is introduced in Couchbase server 6.5 as a developer preview feature. It targets at providing secondary index recommendation to help DBAs and developers optimize N1QL query performance. This version is rule-based, in which the index candidates will...

Node-to-Node Encryption with Couchbase Server 6.5
With security on everyone’s mind, organizations need to run sensitive workloads under stringent security and compliance standards. Couchbase 6.5 preview brings several new security capabilities, and node-to-node encryption has been a top wish list item for many customers. In this...
![Intro to Couchbase Transactions Java API [Video]](https://www.couchbase.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/sites/1/2019/08/cb_txns_blog-800x280.png)
Intro to Couchbase Transactions Java API [Video]
Today I’m very excited to announce the release of a project we’ve been beavering away on behind the scenes for some time now: Couchbase Distributed ACID Transactions! This video is a quick guide for you, the busy Java developer, on...

Couchbase 6.5 – Scan Consistency in Analytics
Since the GA back in Nov 2018, Couchbase Analytics is being used in multiple verticals for rapid time to insight – ad-hoc analysis by a payment provider, shopping cart analysis by an e-tailer, next gen ticket booking engine by a...

Extend Couchbase Analytics with RapidMiner using CData
Extend Couchbase Analytics with RapidMiner using CData This article will guide you through the steps needed to setup the connection from RapidMiner to Couchbase Analytics using the CData JDBC driver for Couchbase. More details regarding this driver can be found...

Managing LDAP groups for external users in 6.5
In the last blog, we described a new feature in Couchbase Server 6.5 called Couchbase groups. In this blog, we will discuss about the new LDAP group capability in Couchbase Server 6.5, along with easy to follow steps to get...

Cost Based Optimizer for Couchbase N1QL (SQL for JSON)
Authors & Engineering Team: Bingjie Miao, Keshav Murthy, Marco Greco, Prathibha Bisarahalli. Couchbase, Inc. A rule-based optimizer knows rules for everything and cost for nothing – Oscar Wilde Abstract Couchbase is a distributed JSON database. It provides distributed data processing,...

Managing Couchbase Users via Groups in 6.5
In large organizations, management of security across the enterprise becomes more and more challenging as the number of apps and users grow. Having a role based access control model enables you to fine control what users get access to. However,...

Cipher Suites in Couchbase Server 6.5
For many, “Cryptography” is the little green lock icon next to the web address of their favorite websites, and for others, they might recall the TLS vulnerabilities that have hit in recent years. Data is today’s digital gold, and in...

Enhanced Data Protection with Couchbase Server 6.5
With 6.5, we have made some tremendous improvements to our backup & restore technology. These improvements are optimized to enhance backup performance, consistency and storage requirements. Performance Improved performance (rate of backup & restore) with backup has been the most...