Tag: amazon

Kubernetes Cluster on Amazon and Expose Couchbase Service
This blog is part of a multi-part blog series that shows how to run your applications on Kubernetes. It will use the Couchbase, an open source NoSQL distributed document database, as the Docker container. The first part (Couchbase on Kubernetes) explained how to start the Kubernetes cluster...
Arun Gupta, VP, Developer Advocacy, Couchbase
January 3, 2017

Couchbase Cloud Recipes – Pick your favorite!
Couchbase 4.x Quick Installation provide instructions to install Couchbase on your local machine. Would you like to run Couchbase 4.x in cloud? There are plenty of recipes available! Looking for detailed instructions on Couchbase Cloud Recipes? Digital Ocean Jelastic OpenShift Docker BigStep Vagrant...
Arun Gupta, VP, Developer Advocacy, Couchbase
January 3, 2017