Tag: Analytics Service

Managing Data Sprawl for Developers
When we developers hear the term data sprawl, it may sound a little bit like a business term like TCO, ROI and the likes. All these terms have a reality for developers, outside of the analyst and manager realm. So...

Always-Available Real-Time Data With High Availability In Couchbase Analytics
As part of the Couchbase Server 7.1 release, Couchbase Analytics Service is very excited to announce the support of High Availability capability availability to ensure users can access data within Analytics Service collections/datasets when one or more Analytics nodes is...

What’s New In Couchbase Server 7.1
Can a Database Fight Inflation? Introducing Couchbase Server 7.1 This year, I’ve asked myself, how can a database help fight inflation? The answer is to make efficiency improvements in the database that outpace inflation. For as long as I’ve worked...

Simplify Your Data Analysis with Scopes & Collections in Couchbase Analytics
Scopes and Collections aren’t just for organizing your data – now they can be used for your data analytics as well. As part of the Couchbase 7.0 release, support for Scopes and Collections has been extended to the Analytics Service...

Amp Up Your Data Analysis with the New ROLLUP Aggregation in Couchbase Analytics
I’m excited to announce two new powerful data analysis capabilities now available as part of Couchbase Analytics: 1) ROLLUP aggregation, and 2) CUBE functionality, both to help you aggregate data across multiple document attributes. The addition of the ROLLUP aggregation...

What’s New and Improved in Couchbase Server 6.6
Couchbase Server 6.6 is now generally available with exciting new enhancements that augment our Analytics, Query, Search, and Eventing Services as well as our backup, recovery and tooling capabilities. These enhancements improve developer productivity, simplify cloud deployments, and enable operational...

Couchbase Analytics: Customers’ Moments of Truth Revealed!
Introduction I recently joined Couchbase’s product team to lead Couchbase Analytics. This Analytics Service enables our customers to measure near-real time business operations, derive insights from data, and drive agile decisions to expand business growth. Within my first few weeks...