Tag: arrays

Analytics – Love the Doc Model You’re With

Analytics – Love the Doc Model You’re With

In business applications, the data is often modeled for a large number of concurrent low latency queries. If you want to gain insight by looking at trends, however, you end up wishing you had an entirely different data model. The...

Peter Reale July 26, 2019
Working with JSON Arrays in N1QL

Working with JSON Arrays in N1QL

The N1QL query language has a rich set of facilities for working with  JSON arrays. In this article, we’ll cover array constants, facilities for searching in arrays, ways to transform arrays, and some useful N1QL array functions. The format is...

Johan Larson February 28, 2018
Working with Arrays in Couchbase with N1QL – Video Tutorial

Working with Arrays in Couchbase with N1QL – Video Tutorial

In a recent article, I wrote about flattening and querying arrays in Couchbase using N1QL.  That article was inspired by a popular question in the Couchbase Forums.  After publishing the article, I felt a write-up alone couldn’t do it justice...