Tag: Connect.ONLINE
Couchbase recognized for the first time in Gartner® 2021 Magic Quadrant™ for Cloud Database Management Systems
Couchbase is pleased to be included by Gartner on the 2021 Magic Quadrant for Cloud Database Management Systems. We feel that being recognized in this report validates not only the value that Couchbase has been bringing to customers for over...
PepsiCo’s Journey to Inventory Management Modernization
Retailers everywhere have been forced to modernize if not for changing consumer behaviors, then as a result of Covid-19. In this blog post, we illustrate the PepsiCo case study – why they chose to modernize now, and why they chose...
How AWS, Verizon and Couchbase combine to deliver blazing fast apps at the edge
Edge Computing is all about a distributed-cloud architecture designed to reduce latency and increase reliability by storing and processing data closer to the applications that use it. This simple and straightforward concept enables innovations like smart factories, robotic surgery, immersive...
The Future of Healthcare is at the Edge
How Can Couchbase Lite and Sync Gateway help if you’re hurt, and stranded on a remote mountain top? I hope you were able to attend ConnectONLINE, our recent developer conference that featured a ton of great Couchbase product information, live...
Congratulations to the ConnectONLINE 2021 Community Partner Award Winners
We hope you all were able to enjoy our ConnectONLINE virtual event, and tune into the Couchbase Community Customer and Partner Award Winners Keynote on Day 2. We had the great pleasure of announcing this year’s winners, which streamed to...
Congratulations to the ConnectONLINE 2021 Community Customer Award Winners
We hope you all were able to enjoy our ConnectONLINE virtual event, and tune into the Couchbase Community Customer and Partner Award Winners Keynote on Day Two. This years’ winners recognized customers who accelerated modernization initiatives and enabled innovation for enterprise-critical...